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Hello Researchers!

Even though the writing for the beta is still in the works our studio artist are still at work! Here I bring you Karla's new standing sprite for the game. With that both the artwork for Karla and Sevros should be nearing completion meaning once the beta does eventually release the 1st update after shouldn't take as long as this initial release.

Speaking about the beta as you all know the reason it has been taking so long is because of all of the new content that was added for Flare. They were first written about over 2 years ago and the writer has improved a lot since then. They were also missing a lot of content and depth the later characters we released had.

Recently we onboarded a new writer who is still getting used to their new role but hopefully once they're fully adjusted this shouldn't be as big of an issue anymore.

As of this update Male Flare's content is 90% done and Female Flare's content is 40% done. Progress is being made daily and we should be looking at a release no further than 2~ months out at the latest.

Thank you all for being patient with us and I hope you will continue to support us here at AstroKaen!




She's so adorable! Thanks for the update!