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I know it's been a long time, but I just want to say thanks to all of you for being so patient. I know it's been a long time, the latter part of the year was not kind to us at the studio. Having to spend months revamping a majority of the game's artwork, going through a lot of studio reorganizations, paying back tech debt for loose ends we skipped when we first released Monster XXXperiment almost a year ago now.

But we're still here and I know in the past if you did follow our studio for our previous games keeping our commitments have been a bit rocky. But all we want no matter what is to give the best to all of you the players. Without you all here supporting us and what we strive to create there wouldn't be an AstroKaen. 

We're finally seeing the end of the tunnel, there's only a bit more of artwork revamps needed to be done (the older CG's need to be redone with the new style of the newer CG's). But this can be accomplished along side giving you all new content and what you're all here for. To research Monster Girls and Boys!

Our goal for next year is to finally no longer look back and redo what has already been done. We're moving nothing but forward now, Monster XXXperiment's Beta version is in the works, content for Kin you were supposed to have months ago is finally being finished (I know you all want your Vallory and Alek CG's so bad by this point). Most of all content for the next set of Kin we've shown months ago is now in the active development pipeline.

There's so much to look forward to and I hope that you all haven't forgotten about us and is looking forward to it as well.

Thank you so much for supporting AstroKaen! 


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