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Hello Researchers!

Sorry for the delay it's been a long time coming but Monster XXXperiment v1.7 is finally on the horizon.

The update will be releasing Friday August 19th. Below are the patch notes for the upcoming update!
[August 2022 Monster XXXperiment v1.7]

Beautiful Beautiful Art Update Part 1!:

Artwork Changes-

Male Player Character Sprites has been reworked.

Female Player Character Sprites has been reworked.

Karen Stephanie Sprites has been reworked.

Male Flare Sprites has been reworked.

Female Flare Sprites has been reworked.

Monster XXXperiment's GUI has a new sleek finish!


New Random events has been added for Sevros.

New Random events has been added for Karla.


Vallory's diet has been changed to be less confusing to the player.


The game should no longer crash randomly.

Other minor bug fixes.

Full Delay Explanation:

We've been very hard at work remastering all of the games artwork and our efforts will continue over the next following months.

To explain the delay, two months ago the original primary artist for the game had to be removed from the studio. This of course left a void in the art department at first we originally intended to just have the other two artist that work on the game continue where he left off but we soon realized that the style mis-match would be just to extreme.

While it was a detriment to us funding wise we decided to instead focus instead on remastering the older artwork so that the new characters coming with the next Kin update don't look completely out of place next to the old artwork.

Over the next few months we will continue to do artwork remasters as we continue to work towards releasing the next set of Kin so I hope you all appreciate the hard work and the new art I promise that new Kin are coming soon!
Price Change:

With the changes to the artwork and since development will be reaching a year in a few months we've made the decision to increase the price of the Itch.io version of the  game from $5 to $10. Monster XXXperiment was never intended to be $5 forever and the price was always planned to be increased with time as new milestones are reached. And I feel as though we are close to reaching that first milestone for the first price increase considering the art quality of the game is improving, we're going to have 8 different characters in game soon, and the game at it's current point is becoming more and more polished.

I hope you all don't get to angry at us because of this but it's all for the health of the game and the studio, we have plenty of wonderful talent working on the game and for us to continuing improving the game to make it the game we want in our vision that you all will love to play this price increase will do nothing but good!

This price change will take effect after the following 3 conditions are met:

- All of the game's artwork is finished being remastered.

- We've reached the 1 year development mark (October 2021).

- There is no longer any major bugs outstanding bugs to deal with in the current Pre-Alpha version of the game.

So you all have time to get the full version of the game for $5 while it's available!

Next Kin Update:

Speaking of delays because of everything that happened before our Kin update keeps being delayed further and further back and we apologize to all of you for that! Don't worry the next Kin Update is planned for September if everything goes well!

Currently the writing for the next set of Kin is 25% Complete.

The Pixel Assets is 30% Complete.

The Sprite Artwork is 60% Complete, both of the artist have been paid they're just catching up on the art remaster and will be completing these characters over the next few weeks.

And that's about it for now I will continue to post updates on Patreon and Discord to keep you all up to date. But please don't be surprised if the Kin Update is pushed back until October while we wait for the funding to become available to finish off everything that is needed wish us luck!
CG's for Vallory and Alek:

Since all of the artwork is getting remastered in game we have decided to hold off on relesing the CG's for Vallory and Alek until after their remaster is complete. This is to avoid us doing extra work and causing further delays in the future. Thank you for understanding.

Thank you so much for playing Monster XXXperiment and Supporting AstroKaen!


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