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Good Morning Everyone!


I hope that everyone is having a good Friday!

Monster XXXperiment News

First of all I want to give my sincerest apology to everyone that the new Monster XXXperiment update is taking so long to get to all of you. As some of you may know I caught covid last month. I'm doing much better now so work has continued on Monster XXXperiment. In the Discord I posted a few update posts that I will be posting here on Patreon soon enough.

This update is easily our biggest update to Monster XXXperiment yet so just like how the Karla and Sevros update made us take an additional month to complete it makes sense that this one will as well.

This update will not only contain Alek the Lion and his Lioness Pack (Which is 1 big reason this update is taking so long pretty much 4 Kin in 1 character) and Vallory the Succubus. But it will also contain the gameplay overhaul we've been talking about over the last few months!

The current version of Monster XXXperiment has always been an alpha and we never intended gameplay to remain how it is now so next update progression in the game is although the same massively altered to give the player more agency to do in the game.

I hope you all will be patient with us a little while longer to complete this update and make sure everything is ready for all of you guy's enjoyment!

Melting Point and Goblins Can Save the Day! News

Now for some unfortunate news. I've been trying to avoid talking about this but now I feel is finally the time to bring it up since so many people have begun asking about it.

What happened to Melting Point and Goblins Can Save the Day?

Well I'll spare you all of the details, but because of internal reasons the artist for Melting Point and Goblins Can Save the Day! has left the studio and as anyone who's been playing hentai games long enough you know what happens when the artist leaves the studio.

However this doesn't mean that these projects are canceled we've already begun the search for new artists for both of these projects so that they can officially continue development since I know there's so much love and excitement surrounded these IP's.

One day I might go into more details about what happened but for the time being Melting Point and Goblins Can Save the Day! are officially on hold until further notice.

TL:DR - Monster XXXperiment update is big, health troubles delayed updated, it should be out soon give us a bit more time. Melting Point and Goblins can save the day are on hiatus, artist left the studio, not canceling projects looking for new artists, more news in the future.

Thank you all so much for supporting AstroKaen and I hope that you will continue to support us going into the future!