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After a long artblock and up-and-downs in my personal life I am again back and alive :D I am sorry for the wait again :( 

Kes wanted a painting featuring their bird OC Kerze in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom setting with the giant Light Dragon in the background. After about two hours in I decided to scrap the piece and started all over again. The composition was just not working and there were way too many elements clashing with each other. In the end I kept it simple and focused only on the eye shape and silouhette of Kerze and I think it works well :)

Time: 3 hours 24 minutes on the final painting, about 2 hours on the first




This illustration is fantastic ! The composition is so dynamic, not to mention the colour palette, it's sublime ! And the first sketch was so well managed in terms of depth of field and composition, I think it's really interesting too !


Oh wow, this is simply beautiful ;; I love the two compositions so much, but the final one !! So so cool, you conveyed the difference of size so well I'm impressed TT