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Howdy gang! I can't stop saying howdy and I don't know why

Here's the third video retrospective, on the Cultural Marxism video, my life around the time I made it, and what happened to the players involved - Rocking MR. E, The Golden One, Davis Aurini, and the BNP Youth spokesperson (my god, that one's a doozy).

Thanks to the $10 backers who voted on this! The next $10 backer-poll will be up in about a week and a half while I focus on the GBNews video.

Here's the original video in case you need a quick link!

As always, thank you for the kindness and support. It just paid to fix the holes in my kitchen ceiling.

- Harry


KultMarx Retrospective

Howdy Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYQo6LI3Y7c



You keep mispronouncing BNP Youf.


Did you come into contact with mold on the job? Since what you describe in the coughing fits is very similar to what I, and a friend of mine had for a year or two. At the time we went to a school with a major mold problem, which we have pinned as the reason for our symptoms. No kidding some teachers started to think, that we were just heavy smokers and confronted us several times about it. I've never touched a cigarette in my life.


It was either mold or just a lot of dust, I'm not really sure what it was if I'm being honest but I especially remember how dusty the closets with the ancient computer systems were. I'm so glad it went away soon after I quit.


Either can do it. Just stay safe, exposure to mold or dust can make you more vulnerable to the same symptoms later on. P.S Thanks for existing, your videos have made a genuinely better human being and I would not be in a stable and loving relationship right now if I hadn't encountered your videos back when I was an "anti-feminist"


Your Kevin jokes always makes me laugh.


hi hbomb. i joined up today. i need you to know that it was that shit end card white on black patreon notice that finally pushed me to come here and join your patreon. i was like. yeah you know what? i do wanna see the takes you ruined and the bonus video on myst, a game i've never played before. so here i am. thanks for everything you do man.


I love that this video has more lore about that Uber ride you paid for that ended in your joke being stolen


I know i'm late to this, but I have to comment. As soon as you got to the part about the machette that nazi bought, I knew in my heart it was a Cold Steel product. the fasc *love* Cold Steel products. That guy who tried to do a mass shooting at a federal courthouse in texas and got killed had the same thing. It wasn't just a machette, it was a gladius machette, cause if there's one thing nazis love more than white people it's roman shit. Edit: lol I should have kept watching.


i'm so excited to watch all these hbomb videos! your work is some of my go-to comfort (i'll watch your stuff during a panic attack or listen during a migraine). i remember when the algo was first recommending your stuff to me, i wasn't sure if you were right wing at first, especially since i was familiar with nazis but not their youtube videos. the trigger warning intro helped a lot


Late to the party, but I always enjoy learning about behind the scenes processes and this video was very fun for me. Thank you for all your hard work! :)


i know this isn't the point of the video but the segment at the start where you talked about the cat you lived with and how much you liked and cared about him just made me really happy/emotional out of the blue. i lost my cat a few months ago and i just really miss all those little things cats do and it was really nice to be reminded of them :') I'm glad he was doing better by the time you left and that you cared for him so much as to consider kidnapping him lol. (anyway - great video - I'll shut up and watch the rest of it now)


Maybe not ~every~ problem. But truth be told, a large number of fights I’ve had with partners were about or linked to the capitalist mode of production.

Game Lore Archives

Not sure if you read these Patron Video comments, when I was young and immature, and thought 'your gay' was the height of comedy, i used to work with a guy (Daniel Bogunovic) who was my boss, and we both lacked friends and he seemed alright, minus a few jew jokes. Anyway, he got arrested as the HEAD of National Action. Whoch shocked me as at times he seemed remorseful to be the way his parents raised him and then got Worse. In fact, in that screen shot im fairly certain he is the guy on the far left. Anyway, however much i hope he finds the truth i have two kids now, so he can stay far away from me.


A few years ago, you made videos dunking on some dickheads talking to their cameras in 480p with a plastic skull in the background. Now their ideas are the mainline ethos of the US' republican party.