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Hey folks!

I was going to post this update on the first, and then worried people might think it was a joke, so I waited a little while.

Progress on the Vaccines video is going really well. Too well, in fact. We've done so much research and writing and editing and rewriting and consulting experts and digging through ancient archives for sources that the video was starting to feel way too long. We were looking at two or more hours, and for this particular topic, that's a lot to make people sit through to get to the truth.

This is one of those situations where lots of material is obviously important and feels like it should be covered, but the result is a video whose pace would really suffer as a result. In the end, my Producer Kat and I (this was mostly Kat's idea, so you know it's actually good) have settled on splitting the video into two videos, each covering different aspects of the topic.

The first video is more specifically about the anti-vaccine movement and the man behind it, and the science and fraud that went into it, and the second is about how the media's catastrophic reporting helped to make things as bad as they are. Since we worked on both at once, they're both quite close to finished, so they should be both out fairly soon. We're hoping the first one will be out in two weeks, with the second asap after that.

Normally, I'm against splitting videos up, but after the amount of time and effort we've put into this, it's fun to have more than one video to show for it all. 

I also owe you a patron-only video. We're so close to done on two big videos that I put off making one, I promise to make it up to you as soon as one of those is out!

Thanks so much for your patience on this. It's amazing that we've had the chance to go into detail on such an important (and still relevant!) issue and help create a truly informative resource.

- HB



really excited for the new videos when they’re ready!


April 1st is an annual hellscape of our own making.


A two part video sounds like such a treat! Can't wait to see the full chaos when they come out!


I’m honestly so excited!! Please take all the time you need 😍


Two videos for one that's a deal I love.


As a pharmacist, I'm interested to hear what your findings have been on this topic, Hbomb. I'm familiar with the study that started it all, and the reasons why it is (scientifically and morally) wrong, but I only really know about the study itself and not the man behind it. I agree with the idea to split it into two. If you've put a lot of work into it, then let each aspect of the topic stand on its own rather than trying to jam it all into some Snyder Cut length feature.


Prequel trilogy vid next? 👀👀👀


Mr.Bomberguy, I am super hype for those 2 videos !!


Honestly, I love it. For ease of reach for the message, that's a move that absolutely makes sense! Excited as hell to see them come out, it sounds like they're going to be awesome!


More is always better with hbomb


Two videos?! Truly an Easter miracle!!


i love you!!


Bigley hyped-- thanks for considering the effect a 2-hour time stamp seems to have on people I link your stuff to. I'm glad Kat and you thought of splitting it (because I wouldn't have, which means it's once again a good thing people are smarter than I am, which is becoming an irritating pattern.)


No need to thank anyone. Just complete your videos in a timely manner. That would be the best way to show you respect your patrons and appreciate our support.


That sounds great, thanks for the update, I'm excited to see them. One thing that occurred to me while reading this is that the same problem of ballooning content occurs in academia where you do a ton of research to get interesting results, but to get people to read your work and for it to be published at some prominent venues, you have to aggressively summarize, abstract, and compress it into a tight narrative. One way to deal with this is to have short main papers and long appendices. The main paper is meant to be easily digestible with only the necessary technical detail, and then the appendix can go into the details in more depth. The "endnotes" from Innuendo Studios and the secondary channel Technology Connextras kind of do this but I don't think it's a widespread way of producing videos. In this case, it sounds reasonable to break the video up into two aspects of the problem, but I wonder if appendix videos could be a nice alternative to long videos in some circumstances.


Out of curiosity, did you ever find that full video you were looking for?

Hotwheels Sisyphus

Looking forward to it indeed pouring when it rains.


Yesss, this is the content i subscribed for



Artie Wolfe

I'm glad it's going well! I hope you, too, are thriving.


Marry me

Kae Hanrott

I'm really looking forward to watching them! Thanks for letting us know how it's going, as the behind the scenes is always interesting.


Sounds like it’s something you’re really proud of! Excited to see how’ve it turns out (and to have someone new jokes to quote with my friends).


Great, I'm really excited to see it!


Lovely update. Can't wait to have about two hours of hbomberguy content to sit through. No, this isn't sarcasm. I love your content.

La Cipolla

I feel like these videos should have subtitles in at least fifteen languages right from the start ... People need to know about this. (What I want to say is: I'm hyped! :D)


Release the Hbomb cut!! Make it 4:3 ratio and have darker 'grittery' colour grading!! (by the way this is a joke, two parts seems much more sensible lol)


Can't wait!


Really looking forward to this! Also hope you’re well!!


You're spoiling us with more content! I'm very excited from the teaser we were shown.

Penny Gotch

Looking forward to it! And ugh, that's the big problem of April 1st, isn't it? You can't tell anyone ANYTHING without people thinking you're joking.


I might be the odd one out, but a 2 hour long video is the kind of thing I like; in fact, the longer the better


It’s such a pressing and current subject that you could do a 10 hour video and still look outdated or uninformed 2 days after it comes out - I don’t envy you, but you’re the only one that could do it!


Good news :)


Amazing work, I’m so excited for the videos. I can’t wait to see how you present the information, and i know I’m going to have many loud giggle moments.


Looking forward to seeing your dope ass shit mr. Bombass H


I can't wait to see how you approach this. I'm a clinical pharmacist now, but my career before the '08 recession was researching immunology and pathogen evolution and my wife is a psychologist who diagnoses autism in children, so we've been actively combating antivax disinformation from people like Andrew Wakefield and Bob Sears with patients for a depressingly long time. I'm even having to counter some of this nonsense with some of my current pharmacist, technician, and intern colleagues who are actively administering COVID vaccines to the public.


Am I the only one who finds HBomb’s use of the phrase “truly informative resource” vaguely threatening?




Sounds great, man! Can't wait to see both videos.


Just make it at least 3 parts and call it a Docuseries. Lol.


Anticipation for this video is turning into anxiety.


Release the Hbomberguy 4 hour cut


I'm so excited for the videos! Splitting it into two also makes it more accessible to those of us who have the attention span of a hard-boiled egg.




Hi Harry its Harry, OK Lots of love, Harry


i've been waiting for this video so long that I can't take it anymore I need to truly know if vaccines create neurodiversity




So.. 2 weeks from April 3rd.. would be April 17th


"... first one will be out in two weeks, ..." t h r e e w e e k s l a t e r


we believe in u


I’m glad you’re taking the time you need to make the video as good as it can be. A few weeks or even a month isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, and this video will be providing a really valuable resource. Hope you’re taking care. :)


Agreeing with Burretploof: harry


Y'all, we're so close. Give the guy a huge hug and buy him coffee https://twitter.com/Hbomberguy/status/1387134934838661123?s=20




ALL HAIL LORD SOBEK SO THE RENDER WORKS (literally refreshing every few hours the last 2 days lol, this is awesome I'm so excited (but also Harry and team don't overwork yourself get it done right we love you (I'm concerned this is starting to sound obsessive after the third edit but I really am excited thank you)))

Michael Sanders

It's no wonder to me how these videos end up taking so long to make, given the scope and research that must go into them. I'm content to wait, and I'm just so glad you get to do what you love and that this type of content exists. HOWEVER, WHAT IS WITH THESE DEADLINES M8?? Each one, as incorrect, and therefore tragically adorable as the last. Not half as adorable as me though, eating up every lie, looking up at H with the cherub like disposition of someone whose never been wronged in their life, saying to myself "Oh wow, only another two weeks!". But no seriously love you and looking forward to it whenever it comes!


Pls Harry 🥺


What happened to the video? Saw the tweet few days which said new video in 2 days.


Fack checkers by the sound of it. But I have a good feeling about this week!


harry pls i can't wait much longer


Lmao the twitter post!! Can't imagine how much work it is to rewrite and re edit an entirely new ending. Hope it goes well and everything works out this time??


It's here! Only took 36 days, or 2.5x the original two week timespan. Glad it got out at least though.


You can always make your videos a series. And being british, you can go The Good Place route: "It ran for 16 years on the BBC; they did nearly 30 episodes."