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Hey folks!

Please find enclosed the Fallout: New Vegas video. I'm really happy with it, I went for a faster and more defined sense of pace than normal to make sure it didn't get out of hand and become infinitely long. I love this game very much, so that was a clear risk. There's a very small segment that has no visuals at around 55:50 - I'm working with an artist on that part and we hit a delay, but I wanted to get this out without making you wait any longer.

You'll notice occasionally a little animation appears in the corner to help make sure it's clear whether the footage on-screen is Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Those were done by the artist @sneksucks, who also did the original Reasonablist Bear graphics for the Climate video. I'll post gifs of them and the other stuff they did for the video in a new post once it's up for everyone else.

The final version will be going up in about a day or two, so if you can, please take a look at the credits and make sure your name is in there, and you're credited with the right name, and so on.  If you have any problems with the credits please email contact@hbomb.zone to make sure we see it!

The final War on Christmas video will be up the day before Christmas Eve. After that, the Vaccines video is almost done as well, so that'll be up around mid-January. There was a possibility of finishing the vaccine video first, before this one, but when we realised a COVID vaccine was on the way and the topic would become much more pressing early next year, we decided to finish New Vegas first. I can't wait for you to see it, because oh my god.


Harris Bomberguy


[BACKER VERSION] Fallout New Vegas Is Genius, And Here's Why




New patron here, having finally had my hand forced by the masterpiece that was the Plagiarism video. I wanted to say that I bought New Vegas this fall after having watched your video about it on Nebula countless times. Your enthusiasm for it was so infectious that I needed to try it for myself. I’m really enjoying it and find myself going “oh, right, I’ve met them now” whenever I go back to watch the video again subsequently, and also being spurred on when I’m reminded of a character or dialogue that I haven’t encountered yet. … I may have a problem.


This video made me buy fallout new Vegas and honestly I have no regrets


Not to be a total cheese ball but I watch your videos when I edit my own and I just wanted to say thanks


Yuuuuuuus! I’m excited to watch when I have time :)




Yessssss! I’ve been checking back every day since you gave us that 20 minute tease! FNV is my all time favorite game. I did a tour of locations that inspired the game locations on my honeymoon. The house band at the Goodspring’s Saloon sang a song for me. So excited to watch, thank you!!!


Once again, you’ve made my year. Thank you, Harry!


Hi Hbomb. Quick question: If i haven't played New Vegas and I watch this video, will I have any reason to go back and actually play it? Usually this isn't a problem because I will either have seen/played whatever you are talking about or have no intention of seeing/playing so I don't care about spoilers, but this one I miiiiiiight...but I haven't yet, so....will watching this ruin it for me?

Andrew Cross

aww was hoping for 2+ hours


At 1:33:12 the caption says "possibly" when I think you meant to put "possible" - unless it's a joke that I haven't got yet :)


OH YEEESS!!! Hmm thought you would be narrating this at night... in the woods... yeah, I'm still that guy. Either way, amazing content!


You fucker I am trying to write my final! So excited to watch later


I hope this video really is ready, and you weren't just rushing to release for the holiday period to please your shareholders.


Is there meant to be a faint "hello" at 33:34 when zooming in on the raider?


If we've just upgraded to $5 tier, is there time to be included in the credits?


What a treat. Great job Hbomb. I really like the little cartoon indicators that tell you which game is which.


bizarrely pleased and amazed other people's parents have that butter dish too


Let the man speak about Clear Sky, pretty please

Corran MacCorran

Whelp, I watched it. Time to replay it cause I need them sweet dlcs.


I started another play through after watching your 20 min tease and I gotta say FNV is occupying space in my mind even while I play Cyberpunk. The people who make up Obsidian, especially during FNV, just really get what video games can be, and to see them reach for that, even when they don't quite hit the mark, is inspiring. Thanks Hbomb for this early Christmas present.


Welp looks like im buying Fallout New Vegas. Fallout 3 put such a bad taste in my mouth I didn't bother initially.


Well I guess replaying FNV is as good an excuse as any not to see my loved ones during Christmas


I black widowed Benny originally.... Good videogame


Firstly I love seeing my name centre screen in one of the credit slides, secondly what a great video. This showed me things I had missed with over 500 hours in this game (I tend to do the same route) and things I’d forgotten, new Vegas really made me understand games as an art form and this video exemplified that perfectly. I just hope for a video on the dlc’s of new Vegas, especially the way they explore simple (seemingly) ideas or characters and have a plot through connecting each and a statement on existence and a philosophical view. Thank you very much, love this video can’t wait for fallout 4 in 4 years.

Little Onion Sprout

the pacing of your videos are always superb! also I think you made a typo on the end credits. you wrote possibly instead of possible. I can't wait to see your vaccines video!


Great as always!


king shit


Is anyone else getting sound popping around the 1 hour 10 minute mark (goes away after 5-10 minutes) or is it a problem on my end? I'm getting it on both laptop and headphones.


Been waiting for this one. <3 Very good.


I know this is in no way the point of the video but YORKSHIRE! God I miss my home accent now I live in South Wales with a goddamn cockney...


YOU'RE THE BEST AND ME AND MY GF WANNA HUG YOU LOL Seriously though, thanks for your hard work!


Hey while I got all you FNV players here, when I try to enter the repconn building (on a modded game obvs) the game keeps crashing. Most recent mod I installed before that happened was NVAC because my game kept crashing. Think that might have caused it?


Just finished the video. You'll want to go back and play the game. Hbomb gets into some spoilers and Fallout New Vegas is a game best experienced blind

Eben Sullivan

Dang, that vaccines video is going to be a LOT. Thanks for all of this, Hbombyguy. You do good work.


I think you forgot me in the credits?

Montanna Tilton

As a northern Californian, I got so much joy out of your appreciation of the word "hella"

Cassidy Marble

Alright alright! I'll play the first two Fall Outs.


Hello I have never played any fallout game in my life and never wanted to bc I personally don’t love post-apocalyptic stuff that much but your fallout videos are like. Super cool and engaging and now I lowkey want to play New Vegas


Would it be rude of me to suggest I think The Last of Us 2 is more interesting than it’s given credit for, especially compared to the originals bland regurgitation of Children of Men.


you beautiful human, thank you


If I may, I don't think the REPCONN test site is a great example of a location that you want to explore because it looks interesting from afar. In fact, the facility is a bit hidden away of the main path at the end of a canyon. And by the way, the video is great!

Andrew L Butula

Thanks Hbomb! Your video inspired me to go back to New Vegas for the first time in years! So I downloaded the game, twisted MO2's arm until it would admit that yes the game exists, then tried starting it up. It loads to a black screen that minimizes itself, fine, try windowed mode, that works. Okay, bug fixes, got them, let's give it another test run. Oh, right, you don't so much "quit" the game as "tell it to crash." Now I'm stuck with an eternal second-long loop of the last sound the game made until I restart. Maybe I'll just remember the game fondly and do some laundry.


This was such a good watch, thank you so much. I'm unfamiliar with Fallout to the point that I couldn't even tell you what it was about, but watching this has made me genuinely want to get a copy of New Vegas and play it for myself.


awesome work! i really loved seeing marcus in there since you mentioned him so fondly in the fallout 3 video. i never actually played the games but you made marcus so interesting. i was kinda hoping to learn what hes up to in new vegas. but this video made me want to unearth my old xbox 360 copy i have of it and actually sink my teeth into. thank you for sharing!


Great video on one of my favorite games. My only real gripe is a personal preference: you mention fallout 3 way too much. While I love how you go into what worked about fallout 3 for a change, acknowledging what you flat out ignored in your original video, I don't think new vegas NEEDS to be compared to 3 at every single turn to make it look better. I know it's the easiest point of comparison, so it makes logical sense, but surely Fallout New Vegas is such an amazing game that it can stand on its own without having to constantly be compared to what you see as its lesser cousin. It's like praising The Last Jedi by dunking on The Rise Of Skywalker. You aren't wrong, but are you really portraying the merits of the material as its own work, or just saying that it's cool BECAUSE this other thing sucks?


I have only one note. Needs more butter

Dave K

Great watch while taking a break from the amazing ""rpg"" Cyberpunk 2077.


This was a very interesting in-depth look at a game that I would love to try out. I haven't played it yet, but I absolutely bought (along with Fallout 1 & 2 based on your recommendation). Although I did notice that I was not in the Patreon credits so, hopefully you won't forget when it comes time to release it proper.😉


I’m surprised you didn’t cover the DLC in this. The DLC are fantastic


You won’t regret it, except for all the times a super mutant or enclave trooper kills you in one hit before you get a turn.


New Vegas came out on my birthday, so I was also going to make a video about why it was the greatest game ever made, but then I saw that you were putting something together, so I put it on the back burner until yours came out. I didn’t want to overlap with your talking points. Gratefully, I can move forward knowing that I won’t step on your creative toes. I also count this as a belated birthday present, so thank you! Excellent work as always, and have a great day (or night, the flat earth is weird with time zones and such.)

Daniel Floyd

HECK this video is good


Sad that you didn't cover the DLC which I think is where FNV really shines. but I can appreciate that you don't really want to be dealing with 3hr+ videos anymore. Really enjoyed it!


What i'd give to play FNV for the first time again, you're in for a treat


Loved this video a lot. Great to hear your analysis of what works plus so much of the game components make me wanna reply. There were even a few I'd never hit like Arcade's companion quest that makes it great to discover more about the game. Sidenote: I noticed DLC was only mentioned about Two-Bears-High-Fiving, would you be willing to talk a little about your feelings on them as a whole? I liked all of them but loved OWB and DM, would be neat to hear your thoughts


This is great! The only thing I would wish to be included is a note about how the quest "Hard Luck Blues" also affects the NCR sharecropper farm. I think the game does something pretty clever with having 2 different quests, each with a moral quandary, affect the fate of this farm. Despite having 2 avenues to pursue, you still might end up dooming the NCR farm depending on how you feel about these quests. Obviously understand that it may not be feasible due to timing/pacing though


Seconded, I'd definitely be interested in a video about the DLC if that were on the table


Still my favorite game too.


Hey! Could you email contact@hbomb.zone with the level of donation, your patreon name, and the name you want?


Loved it all. Two points of critique: 1. I personally think the amber-filled/brown-outlined formatted text is much better than the slanted glowing text in your chapter titles, and I think you should use the former formatting for the latter. 2. Maybe don't add in the re-take that makes fun of your Yorkshire accent, I think it sounds better the first time anyway. This makes me feel like I really need to hurry and finish up *my* New Vegas video essay...


Wonderful video, really makes me want to run straight to FNV and play it all the way through, being someone who tried Fallout 3 and hated it. Genuine question for Fallout fans if any see this: should I go back and play the first 2 before going to FNV? It seems like there are a lot of references I'd be missing otherwise.


Nope! You'll miss a few things here and there but I played New Vegas first then went back, and kind of got the references retroactively


Don't use NVAC, it's bad. All you need for bugfixes and stability are the 4gb patch, YUP and the Unofficial Patch


I hate the way you manhandled that butter


please don't upload w/o captions it really impacts my ability to follow :(

Evan Pitkin

The joke about killing the president better still be in there.


This is looking fantastic! But I didn't get the joke at the end...


It's so insane that even in a 1.5 hour video you can't cover more about the game. It's so awesomely dense and replaying it recently is such a refreshing blast. Thank you for this awesome video!




I had to stop watching mid way through so I could start a new game of New Vegas. Very good video. Wholesome propaganda. The way you pronounced Kentucky gave me whiplash


I just realized that I haven't been to any of the vaults in FNV because they were to scary. So... going to watch this video after another playthrough <3


That's a good point, we're gonna start setting up subtitles for videos!


I love how the line at 11:10 implies that hbomb is god haha


Your videos bring me so much joy. Thank you for this on this Weekend!


rejoined ur patreon once i saw this hehehe

Kristian Gregory

Did I see "made possibly by" before the credit roll?


At 24:58-59 there's a USB unplug sound in your voice over.


Love the video so far though! I rewatched the preview 3 times already and love the changes you put in since then.

J. Francis

I finally beat New Vegas about a month ago—I did it just so I'd be ready for this video (fortunately it was, indeed, a great game). I'm so excited to watch with my partner!


that's a sound effect from the game! I'll turn the game audio down for that big in case its distracting


I remember playing this when I was younger, but all of the intricacies you laid out went waaaaay over my head and I settled in to "NCR good Legion bad". Time to jump back in and enjoy decision paralysis I think


Ive only watched the first minute (because its five am and im on a comedown and need to sleep) but im already so impressed! especially that updated intro


Honestly super surprised you didn't mention the DLC at all, I guess for time reasons? but a shame nonetheless.


I'm glad the legion exist, they're fun to shoot at. As a woman I can never align myself with them, because they would strip me of rights and enslave me. No matter how they justify themselves, I always make a point of shooting any of these asshole on sight, and I make sure to kill Cesar, Also also, is it just me, or they feel untentionally alt-righty ? I mean...


Yes, there's so much awesomness in the DLC, but it would be kinda sorta pointless for the point our beloved supreme leader sweet boy was making. All DLCs are more of the same, which is great don't get me wrong, but they don't add anything that wasn't in the base game. Anyway, what do I know.

Blue Gemini

Love it love it! Only feedback is that I'm not sure if it's intentional or maybe a joke that's going over my head but at 36:40 you clipped your voice saying "delicious egg" so it goes "delic-- egg"


Fantastic again, Mr. Bomberguy! I've had FNV in my library for years but can never actually get into the game because I'm a baby when it comes to Fallout's bug enemies and get too creeped out lol. Also, I'd love to know what you think of The Outer Worlds if you've played it and/or have an opinion! I started playing it a couple weeks ago and am really loving it and see some aspects from New Vegas that Obsidian carried over, but also some differences in design choices that you mention here.


Why is nothing there on the outer worlds, wasnt that made by the same studio?


I love to see the Mandalore Gaming influence during the Cazador/Radscorp fight.


I found that ending bit genuinely hilarious. It's been a really long time since I've laughed out loud at something on my own.


was it a conscious decision to use the same font that Burger King uses for the titles?


I see your live action stuff has become a lot more inspired by SBN3 with the lighting and colors in the butter scene


Was anything changed between this version and the general final version, other than at 55:50?


I had a feeling the vaccine video would be delayed by the COVID vaccines being approved haha. Looking forward to it


I guess i just got randomly kicked out of the credits... Okay then.


59:05 OMG, THAT'S WHAT IT DOES?! I thought you were just giving the kid caps cause he's living on the street! 🤣


Great video, but you failed to mention the secret real drawback of Four Eyes that turns out into a trap option, which is that it lowers your perception for the purposes of getting new perks like Light Step. I am therefore forced to give this video the lowest possible rating, 6/10


Hi, I absolutely love everything you do and I just want to gush about it so much, I honestly feel kind of awkward asking this, but I how do I change the name that's listed for me as a backer in your credits? I changed my name on Patreon when I transitioned over a year ago, but it still shows up as my old name in credits for new videos :x The credits are so long I know it must be a total nightmare to manage, but can anyone point me at like, how I could change it? (and obv. I don't mean change it for old videos, just new ones where the credits aren't done yet)


Would contact@hbomb.zone help? That might do the job 🤞


Is there a link to the best games ever document?


I have been waiting for this for three years. I am sitting down to this like it is a gourmet five course meal.


Hey, shit I'm sorry-- send an email to contact@hbomb.zone so we can make sure that doesn't happen for other videos


oh shieeet it's here <3 !


Great video, I ended up getting Covid last week and this was a pleasant surprise when I started feeling better.


0/10 video did not use the N Critic intro replacement mod at 9:54 teased me on Twitter with it smh

Dominic Guilfoyle

My name was missing from the credits :/


hey, this is 100% random, but if you want to change your sparkling water experience forever with your soda stream, Monin sells this little “Holiday Cheer 5 Pack” flavored syrups so you can make chocolate peppermint sparkling water.


Chocolate doesn't sound like something you'd want to make into a soft drink.


Oh hey send an email to contact@hbomb.zone so we can make sure it's in future vids


Great Video. Sadly the last time i tried to beat Fallout: NV i installed too much mods. So i had a bunch of quest, which totally overpowered me and made the game too long. It is a game, i really would love to finish one day, since i also loved Fallout 1 and 2 (but not 3 and 4). A view notes: 1. All the points you meantion about a great open world are elements, Zelda Breath of the Wild used to design there open world. Landmarks, go anywhere you want, have extremely powerful enemies as gatekeeper (which you still could beat early) and more. 2. I would love to here some criticism. The biggest problem with Fallout NV, 3 and 4 is having too much loot. You spend so much time, managing your inventory or maybe travel between to spots to sell loot. Fallout 2 solved the problem by giving you a car with a lot of space. The car was just available at the start of the map, so you don't need to move all the way back. Would be great, if the developers find a solution. 3. You could have mention, that Microsoft now own the Fallout Franchise and studio of the NV developers. So there may be a chance, we see the developers on Fallout again.


I was kind of avoiding watching this video because New Vegas is important to me (as is 1 and 2, but that's another story). I was worried that it wouldn't... vibe right, if that makes sense. I'm really glad I watched it, though, since it's given me a new appreciation for just how well put together everything in that game is, and has made me want to get back into NV (and put thoughts out into the universe for a remastered version maybe). I'd love to hear your thoughts on the DLC if you ever revisit this topic, but I really liked this video, and it made me feel nostalgic for this game I like so much :)


This is a great long form video. Ver well researched and edited. Which seems to be your preference. A side question on that. Why are these 2 videos: Video Retrospectives 1: Sarkeesian Effect: A Measured Response and GRAPHS BONUS VIDEO! Not on your YouTube channel?


Mr. Bomberguy, I'd like to say thanks. This video came at just the right time. While I was trying to get Cyberpunk 2077 running without any crashes, I took a break to watch this, and it woke me up. Why was I trying so hard to play what is basically an incomplete beta when I can just wait years for the devs and modders to make it way better? Speaking of, holy crap, the NV modding scene has really evolved since the last time I played like 6 years ago. But the mods aren't the only thing that changed since my last New Vegas run--I also played the original Fallout games for the first time. And experiencing those has taught me a lot about how I can have a much better time with New Vegas than I ever did before. So now I'm replaying it with the JSawyer mod and other mods that either make it harder or add quality of life fixes, and now it's basically the ideal perfected version of the vanilla game, polished to feel just like Fallout 1 or 2. I'm gonna play the shit out of this.


Thank you for forgetting to put my name in the credits.


Class! thanks so much, I really enjoyed this one and it's made me want to fire up New Vegas to see what the fuss is about!


2 videos in one week? We are truly being spoiled... In all seriousness though I really enjoyed this one and thought it was definitely worth the wait - you and Kat did a great job :)


lol How many cumulative hours of F:NV gametime are gonna get generated in the wake of this video by ur guess?


Embarrassed to admit how many of my video game purchases are based almost entirely on your videos...


I'm always surprised to discover there are people who dont own new vegas already


Any thoughts about the DLC?


I tried playing NV but the bleak, empty setting kinda turned me off, I might try again after this video


Anywhere one could go for a list of the mods used when you were playing?


i routinely play new vegas every summer but this video made me start playing it again so good job


i’m not hbomb (clearly) but i do wanna point out on point no. 2; i’m unsure about fo3 and fo4, but in fnv, there’s a few homes that your character can ‘own’ and drop off all their shit at (there’s an empty house in goodsprings, the garrets give you a room if you do their quests, and there’s of course the lucky 38), and you can drop stuff on companions. still would be nice to have something like the fo2 car, but there are some options. i’M sure you know this already but i wanted to say it for some people who maybe don’t know :)


Holy shit I'm only just now realizing 1. how long the vaccines video took to make and 2 that it wasn't actually in response to covid like I first assumed when it was put up on youtube, wow. What bizarre coincidence.


I just reinstalled F:NV again for the umpteenth time and popped this on to give myself luck back out in the wastelands.