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Hey guys and gals, 

Firstly I would like to apologise for the delay in content, aside from RL commitments these strange times we find ourselves in around the world has meant a change in routine for me which has impacted my free time to work on VAM related stuff. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Having said that: I have been working on something pretty cool which I'm sure you all will enjoy. All being the key word as I also know, not everyone out there has a beast machine to being able to run scenes with high budgets.

I have been working towards a solution to the main bottleneck in VAM, which comes from heavy CPU loads to run the softbody physics. I believe due to the version of Unit which VAM runs on, VAM can not take full advantage of all your CPU cores, let alone offload anything to the GPU. (my layman understanding anyway)

The idea being to put hard limits wherever possible on atom movement, hopefully resulting in less complex physics collisions to solve and taking less of a toll on the CPU. 


Anyway see attached some unedited test footage of the scene showing off the physics rigg interactions with a Embody'd player. This is before adding the models "aliveness animation layers" (glance tho ofcourse!). 

I think this scene will be a cracker. 




sorry wouldnt let me upload heres a link




I'm happy that you're back! Really Excited to see what this scene will turn into.

Mike Wang

welcome back