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Do anything exciting? Tell us! If you're comfortable sharing! 

Managed to survive to February? Great job! We know what that's like.  

Learned something new? If so, what did you learn?

Or perhaps let go of doing something so you had less to manage? That's not always easy to do, way to go! 

Basically... lets just have a lil chat. As a community. <3 Share what you would like! Just be sure to keep it family-friendly! 

(And if you aren't doing well and require crisis support, click here to find a helpline. <3) 


Jill Kadtke

I have a question. How do you reach out to someone to publish a book? Self publishing isn't for me because it's just too complicated and I don't want the confusions to make me lose my passion. There are also a lot of companies online and I don't know who to pick or how. I am writing and finishing my book this year, after waiting 32 years to do it.


Hello! I am new here. I am beginning me millionth (just kidding) attempt to reconcile and learn to manage adhd. Late diagnosed . I had to over come other health issues that took precedent. January was up and down. One week on my game of using timers and notes and then rebellion. This was an off week. Hoping this next week is better.


Congrats I am so excited for you! I want to write but gosh that adhd gets in the way. So i understand why it might take 32 years.