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Hello Brains & Hearts!

Happy fall and sweater season! I am writing this to you from the hotel room at VidCon Baltimore. Tomorrow I’ll be moderating two panels at the conference – one of which is about breaking down barriers for those with mental health challenges and other disabilities. I’m really excited for it, and very grateful for your support – which is what enables me to attend events like this!

Hope your back to school (or back to pumpkin spice lattes!) is going well. We’ve got quite a few updates for you this month :)



Behind The Brains

Greeting Behind the Brains!

Have you played on our Minecraft server before, even just once? If so, we would love to hear from you! Click here to read the Discord announcement and find the link for feedback regarding Minecraft.

Haven’t played our server yet but still would love to share your opinion? Give us a moment! We’re working on a second feedback form that is geared towards those who have not yet played, but would like to!


Good morrow, SUPERbrains!

You voted and the results are in! Expect to see a Pep Talk from Dani Donovan released as a short in the coming weeks! Click here to review the poll.

And hey! Speaking of winning shorts! Click here to watch August’s Winner: What makes something ADHD-friendly? Wow I use a lot of exclamation marks!!


Hello Wonderbrains!

Ever WONDER (heh heh) what goes on behind the scenes? Or what it looks like on OUR end when we’re doing a livestream? Wonder no longer! Click here to watch this month’s behind the scenes content!

Brain Board

Sup Brain Board?

VidCon couldn’t keep us down! Jessica and Eddie came at you live from her VidCon hotel room. Missed it or want to rewatch it? We got you! Click here to watch September’s Brain Board recording.

Brain Advocate

Hi Brain Advocates!

Of course, just as a reminder especially for any of you that might be new to Patreon, all the links above are available to you all as well! And your names, as always, are listed in every long form video we do in the thank-you at the end. You rock.


Upcoming Events

Annual International Conference on ADHD 2023
LIVE: Nov 30 - Dec 2 ONLINE: Dec 5-6
Baltimore, Maryland & Virtual
Every year, ACO, ADDA, and CHADD put on a big ADHD Conference. Their theme for this year is Connect, Learn, and Thrive.


What We Accomplished This Month

  • Jessica gave a talk at the NSA – and that is all she is legally allowed to say about that ;)
  • We hired a PR firm to help promote the book – and they’re doing an amazing job already!
  • Jessica was interviewed for Zillow about how ADHD makes moving (and buying a home!) more challenging; we’ll share that article as soon as it’s available
  • J2 flew out to Seattle to work with Jessica for Operations Week. We made a lot of progress on reducing barriers to make our workflow and environment more ADHD Friendly.
  • Eddie produced his first animated style video for the channel! And managed to make #IBNU a thing :) Click here to watch it!
  • Jessica was on a PAX West panel: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Dragons
  • We brought on an additional part-time editor, Daniel, to help with the footage Eddie’s shot with Jessica over the last couple months so we can get our second channel (The Wandering Brain) up and running! If How to ADHD is the classroom, The Wandering Brain is the playground: we’ll be visiting cool places and doing fun things, all the while modeling how to use ADHD friendly tools and advocate for yourself so you can live a full, fulfilling life.
  • We finalized the book cover for How to ADHD: An Insider’s Guide to Working with Your Brain, Not Against It – click here to watch October 3rd’s official cover reveal!
  • Harley was able to take a much-needed family vacation! 🐻 THANK YOU PATREON BRAINS!!


This Month’s Featured Video
How ADHD Affects Prioritization (And Why Recognizing IBNUs Can Help)

Click here to watch How ADHD Affects Prioritization (And Why Recognizing IBNUs Can Help)!

Other Video Releases


Margaret Rottsolk

Wow! That’s a lot! Fun to hear these updates.