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Hello Brains & Hearts!

Welcome back to our monthly Brain Chronicle, where (when we’re not drowning in deadlines) we update you on what we’ve got going on, what’s happening with perks, upcoming events and share in one easy-to-find location all the videos your support has allowed us to create this month!

It’s been awhile, so I’ll catch you up:

WOW writing a book does NOT take a year, as it turns out…it takes a year plus however long past that deadline it takes you to turn it in, plus however long copyedits take, plus however long the SECOND round of copyedits takes, plus a waiting period while it goes to layouts, then a couple more rounds for reviewing layouts…

BUT WE ARE ALMOST AT THE FINISH LINE! In fact, we will be announcing the book officially–and sharing the cover–very very soon! It will be available everywhere books are sold :)

I am…quite tired of writing at this stage of the process, so I’ll turn it over to Harley to update you on the rest. But first, I just wanted to say thank you, thank you, a million times thank you. Because of your ongoing support, we were not only able to continue making content for the channel, we were also able to make this book everything we were hoping it would be–and then some. I will be forever grateful to all of you who contributed and helped make this happen.


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🐻 Hello again Brains & Hearts, Harley here! (You can tell because of the bear emoji *nods*) Did Jess mention that books are A LOT? Yes? Okay, good good. Because books are A LOT. Phew. But you’re here for Perks, aren’t ya? (“No, Harley, I’m in the Perks section to learn about horses.” Wow! Really? Well did you know that a hand - the measurement used for horse heights - is about equal to 4 inches?) Hehe, okokok, enough joking around. Let me bring you up to speed on your perks!

Behind The Brains

Hello to our long-time Behind the Brains!

And if you’re new, hello to you too!

It’s been a moment since I last mentioned our Minecraft server, but if that is something you’re interested in but unsure where to go, we can help! Click here to read our FAQ's about how to join Minecraft!

If you’re still unsure what to do or feel too overwhelmed with trying to figure things out via the FAQ, no problem. Our DM’s are open and we are more than happy to assist in getting you where you need to be for your Minecraft adventures! We’d love to help get you adventuring!

If you’re already on our Discord, you can also reach out in the #ask-a-mod channel if you’re unsure of where to find our Minecraft server! Click here to go to #ask-a-mod!


Salutations, SUPERbrains!

We are excited to be back to our regularly scheduled programming with the return of the SUPERPOLL. Where you get to vote on which short you would like us to release first!

We asked, and you answered - and wow, was it a close race the whole way through! But in the end An Introduction to the ADHD-friendly Rubric edged out Three types of people when it comes to boundaries (a balloon metaphor) by just a couple of votes!

Click here to review the original poll!

(Reeeaaaaally wanted to see the balloon metaphor? Don’t you worry, it will still be released, it will just come after the Rubric!)


Well met, Wonderbrains!

Missed seeing the fun shenanigans that happen behind the scenes? Miss it no longer! We’re back with some new behind the scenes clips just for you 🧡It’s even compiled into a single lovely video for easier viewing!

Don’t see it? No worries, we got you! Click here to see August's behind the scenes video!

Like what you see? Wonder how we do something behind the scenes? Have something else specific you’d love a sneak peek at? Let us know! Send us a DM, or comment in the above behind the scenes video with what you’d love to see!

We’d love to oblige where we can. 🧡

Brain Board

Bonjour, Brain Board!

Remember to set those calendar events and reminders for Brain Board! Or use whatever method helps you remember the best. 😊

New to Brain Board? Or merely need a reminder of when Brain Board is? No problem!

Brain Board will occur this month on…

Saturday, August 26 at 2PM PT | 5PM ET | 11PM CET

Unless you are an Australian (or similar) timezone then it will be…

Sunday, August 27 at 7AM AEST

A link to the Brain Board will be posted to Discord and here on Patreon once it goes live!

Hope to see you there!

Brain Advocate

Hallo, Brain Advocates!

We won’t keep you reading here for too long since you’ve got all the above updates as well, hehe.

At the start of each month the credits update to include any new Brain Advocates who have joined us along the way. But if at any point you don’t see your name after the start-of-the-month update, please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know!

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Upcoming Events

VidCon Maryland! | Sep. 28 - Oct 1
This was a bit of a last minute invite, but we will be there! September 28-Oct. 1st. Panels are still being finalized, but we will share as soon as we know!

Annual International Conference on ADHD 2023 | LIVE: Nov 30 - Dec 2 ONLINE: Dec 5-6

Baltimore, Maryland & Virtual


Every year, ACO, ADDA, and CHADD put on a big ADHD Conference. Their theme for this year is Connect, Learn, and Thrive. There is an EARLY BIRD rate that is good until September 22nd

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What We Accomplished This Month

  • We got Patreon perks rolling again! The whole team is working hard to get back to delivering perks–thank you SO much for your patience on this! By the time this comes out, some of them should have been delivered and the rest are on their way!
  • Jessica submitted an article for a medical journal outlining the importance of including those with ADHD in their treatment decisions, and providing enough education for them to make these decisions.
  • We finalized the ADHD Friendly Rubric! We’ll be putting out an episode walking people through it next week (Tuesday, August 22nd) but if you don’t wanna wait–here’s the link to the new rubric! https://rubric.howtoadhd.com/
  • We’re just about finished with the first round of layouts for the book–it looks great and very ADHD friendly! Check it out, I screenshotted a couple random pages we’ve already reviewed here:

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The Video Gallery

🐻Ohhhh there have been so many videos that have been released since the last Chronicle! This poor newsletter would never end if we linked them all. So instead, here are a few videos that either we really enjoyed, or that seemed to be enjoyed by the overall community! And  let us know what videos YOU really enjoyed these last few months!

Why Dental Care Can Be So Hard--AND How to Make it Easier

The Struggle to Relax: Why ADHD Makes it Tough

Hyperfocus - which I never talk about on this ADHD channel 🙈

Why People With ADHD Struggle to remember Things

Why I Was Afraid to Disclose My ADHD (ft. Dr. Patrick LaCount)

The Unexpected Side Effects of Pushing Yourself to the Limit



this is excellent. a suggestion re ADHD-friendly Rubric: have the option to have the results e-mailed to us _after_ we see the results. this is when, having seen the results and explanations that come with it, we would want to have the record.

How to ADHD

Ohhhhh! A great suggestion! I'll definitely make a note of that - thank you so much for providing feedback it's gonna help us a lot :D


I have a little something that I used, its a paper sleeve that goes over the credit card. I just have a few questions on it, similar to what you ask, Do you need this? Where will it live? Will you take care of it? Just asking these questions most times would make me at least think where will I put this, how much maintenance it would require and things. Many times if I would make impulse purchases/want something I am not sure I would rush over to a computer or app to validate my purchase, I needed something that was a speedbump that was like whoa slow down there and think about this. I do like the app though and I think it can be useful for some people, its always cool to try new things!


This is SUCH a helpful place. Thanks to everyone. And I do sincerely mean everyone who’s a part of this community. From Jess, to the folks behind the scenes, to the Patrons and folks who comment on the YouTube channel etc. I hate to think about how isolated and tough it was/is for folks unable to access all the support and resources that the www enables. I am truly grateful. ❤️‍🩹 Edit: I guess this highlights just HOW important a book is. So buckets of gratitude to all involved in birthing this eagerly awaited tome. Looking forward to pre-ordering it 😊