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It wouldn't feel like Christmas if I didn't visit family, and you all are part of my tribe <3 Soooo hi! How's your holiday going?


How to ADHD

We're doing a pretty low-key Christmas here. I didn't realize I missed having presents under the tree until a couple of days ago, and when I came home from work last night Edward had wrapped random things for me to open. It was the sweetest.


I told you before there is something special there.

How to ADHD

One of the things he wrapped was a shoe. Actually it was a shoe belonging to his sister that I accidentally took home with me after visiting them in Florida. I should probably return that shoe.


Might be cheaper to send her the money to buy a new pair


You could wrap and send it COD, it would be mean but funny.


One year I bought my father a 150 piece Craftsman tool set to make up for all the tools I lost while working on my car. I unboxed the whole set, wrapped the pieces of the set in newspaper, some extra boxes in a bigger box. The put the contents of the set on top of the pile


He held the list in his hand and said what's this? I told him, he laughed and about two hours later he found all the parts. I am very creative at times.

How to ADHD

What's the weirdest Christmas present you ever got?

How to ADHD

As a kid we got to open one present Christmas Eve. One year I chose a box I could tell was clothing because I thought it might be a pretty Christmas dress for me to wear. It wasn't. It was long underwear. That Christmas Eve sucked.


Merry Christmas. We're having a pretty chill day so far. Kid is playing with his new toys, hubby and I are about to play some Rimworld. We're going to see Rogue One later and then visit family. 🎄


One year when I was a kid we had a small tree in our bedroom. My father got a hold of coal and put it under the tree. Forgot about that year.


I hate to ask this but what is the temp in southern CA?


It is 34 degrees today, tomorrow it is going to be a balmy 58 degrees


Merry Christmas to you too! We're having a good day. Just finished unwrapping present with 7 kids!! Heading over soon to my mom and dad's for food. We have a snowfall warning out right now. Fortunately we don't have far to drive. :)


For Christmas 2016 I got bronchitis. Really looking forward to a new start in 2017 at this point :)


Not much happening today. We are doing our Family thing tomorrow. Sucks during the day of, but otherwise its pretty good. I'm now the Turkey provider. It's always hectic doing all the food with kids around etc etc, so I cooked it today instead, and I'll be carving it up once my hands can touch it without burning. I'll reheat it tomorrow with a new toy I bought a couple of months ago (Anova Sous Vide) Pics if anyone wants to see (wonder if this will work here) <a href="http://imgur.com/a/ONgVv" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/ONgVv</a>


Merry Christmas! We've had an unexciting Christmas. We're only getting a fridge as a present so there hasn't been anything to open. But at least it's been a fairly stress free holiday too!

How to ADHD

Oooo I've heard about the sous vide -- how do you like it? Is it complicated to use?


One of my daughter's preschool classmates, I think. I'm trying to look at it as special forces training for my immune system -- by the time she graduates I'll have been exposed to every possible germ and virus and then I'll never be sick again!


Merry Christmas!! Just getting home from work. Now I get my stuff done then watch Die Hard and eat dinner...


How was everybody's Christmas??


I got a red plastic old style hand crank telephone as a kid. I loved it but as an adult I can understand why. It didn't really work and I seem to remember maybe it had a bell or something..


It's really easy actually. The one I have has Wifi. I can put my meat in it when I go to work, and have it start cooking before I get home using their app... if I remember to have it setup before I leave. So far, I've been thrilled with the results. Texture is great for fish and beef.


Couldn't. Stop. Eating. Homemade sticky buns=2 Alex=0


On the plus side, since there were few distractions with clients on holiday and the stores closed, I spent a good chunk of the day cleaning up and organizing some rooms. Tomorrow my goal is to finish setting up my bullet journal and make a plan on delegating some tasks that I frankly suck at. :)


Happy new year :-D