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Hi brains!!

My friend Erica (from the decluttering your house episode!) and I are tackling making some soups today, since it's a rare rainy day in LA, and talking about the possibilities for the "How to Food" channel we're going to start once I have a bit more time.

I wanted opinions, since literally none of this would be possible without you --

We're going to set up the show to be more of a daily show where we film in one day but release short videos throughout the week. SO would you prefer...

1) a main ingredient that we show how to prepare a different way each day?

(i.e. we take a potato and turn it into: mashed potatoes, hash browns, scalloped potatoes, potato soup, etc.) 


2) a start-to-finish complete meal every week?



Oooh, #1, #1. I get so bored eating food the same way. Though #2 has potential. But I might get distracted and never go back to watch how the meal ends. ;)


Definitely #1.


Definitely #1. I was actually just thinking this morning that an ADHD Cooking show would be fantastic. I want to eat healthier, but never seem to manage to find the energy/focus to cook after a long workday, so I tend to eat frozen/pre-prepared foods and takeout a lot more than I should. (I'm buying myself an Instant Pot for Christmas, which I hope will help.)


I like both ideas. Knowing how to make a killer side dish can take a simple pork chop and make it into something spiffy. As a foodie myself, I'm also interested in food lore and history. Potatoes are a good example because they're common in so many cuisines, but were not known outside of South America until the 1500s. Sorry, I'm a spud fan :)

Nicole Sparks

#1 - bonus points the recipes include "make ahead and freeze" things so that we can stock the freezer so we can do last minute dinner prep for a bit. :) As Tammy said below, it's too often just easier to make a PBJ sandwich or microwave a hot pocket instead of cooking but it'd be nice to have... well... classier (?) options. :) Although PBJ is pretty darn classy.


Mostly #1 with a little of #2 thrown in, especially full meals good for things like bulk food prep (an episode on either channel on coping with ADHD's barriers in regards to meal planning and well.. actually getting oneself to cook instead of just going for ramen or chips would be very welcome too)


It would be great! I literally eat the same thing every day, so would love to get more options from a friendly face!


I agree with mostly #1 but #2 thrown in. Also bulk freezer prep. I'm a Heart mum with two ADHD kids (11 and 7), including one with dyslexia as well. I'm keen to get a perspective issues on barriers to meal prep for Brains. Miss 11 is keen to experiment and mix crazy things together, but I'd like to channel that into gentle lessons that will help her in the years to come.

How to ADHD

This is great guys, thank you!!! I think we'll go with #1 as the main content and occasionally throw in other stuff like full meals, hosting a party, "skills" episodes (knife skills, shopping tips etc.) -- my goal for this second channel is for us to feel confident in our ability to feed ourselves and our families, not just create one impressive dish with expensive tools and ingredients. We're going to keep it simple and practical and fun :)


I live by this way of cooking. Huge batch meal that portion and freeze. I am not consistent with when I cook, and I am always running late . Last minute things that I pull out of the freezer save my hide more than once.