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Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/o6Mx5bd2KjE

Hello everyone! 

Due to this being posted on the weekend, I'm only just getting around to posting this video -- but I hope you enjoy! This was a short that our Superbrains & higher tiers voted on for this month! 





Agree with this! I have a running to-do list that lives on my work computer. At the end of every work day, I evaluate the list. What’s not yet done? Is it still important? How important? Should I move it up or down the list,or delete it completely? This way I start the next work day already aware of my priorities.

How to ADHD

Out of curiosity where does your to-do list live? Do you just make a notepad document or do you use a tool specific for to do lists? 😀 If you don't mind sharing, that is!


Good question. Thanks for the ask, love what ya do! I’ve tried a few apps like Google Keep and iOS Reminders. They have their place in my home life, but for work I’ve settled on that yellow notepad app that’s native to Windows. No frills, no crowded busy ribbon up top, and the bright yellow makes it easy for me to discern from the 10 other things open on my desktop. Unlike a paper legal pad, I can cut/paste things around when organizing the day.

How to ADHD

Ohhhh that's awesome! Yeah sometimes simpler is better haha Great job finding what works for you!! That's not always easy. :)