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Hello brains! "Perfectionism" is shaping up well thanks to all the input I got -- that should be out in the next couple of days, depending on how involved Edward decides to get with the graphics on it :D And after a lot of thought, we decided to bump the "overwhelm" video to next month so we can a) do it justice -- we're gonna get kinda fun with that one! and b) do an ADHD myth busting episode before ADHD awareness month is over. So here's my question: What's the biggest ADHD "myth" you'd like busted?


How to ADHD

What I have so far: 1) ADHD does not exist 2) ADHD is something you grow out of 3) You can't have ADHD, you _____. (Get good grades/aren't bouncing off the wall/are a girl) 4) "everyone's a little ADHD" 5) medication cures ADHD 6) medication turns kids into zombies/is a replacement for parenting or discipline/etc.

How to ADHD

7) medication is the only solution -- REALLY wish someone had told my parents you can't just hand a kid pills and expect everything to work itself out.

How to ADHD

I want to come up with a bunch of myths and then narrow them down to the 5 most important so we can make the video short and easy to share :)


Something you could consider mentioning for #1 is how the so-called "inventor of ADHD" said on his deathbed that ADHD is a fictitious disease.

How to ADHD

Yeah I was thinking of addressing it -- from my understanding it's a half-truth


People with ADHD are just being inconsiderate/ self-centered/ irresponsible. It isn't personal, Mom! I love you, but if you insist on clipping things out of the paper and giving them to me, I will lose them! Period! No matter how fascinating you think they are!


People with ADHD are dumb and do not pay attention. Just because I am in a meeting doodling on my pad does not mean I am not listening. In fact, by doing it I am actually helping focus on what is being said. Yes, I have some really cool doodles I have made ( I keep the ones I like), but while engaging my brain in a mindless activity lets me focus on the conversation. When I found out that ADHD. Was considered a disability under federal law during a training session, the person picked it out, and said, I noticed you were doodling, but fully engaged with what was being discussed. However, put a laptop in front of me all bets are off, too many interesting things to do on that and I am gone.


That people with ADD are slow/stupid. Sometimes I'm afraid to say what I really think, because some people will blame my ADD for it :/ (I have a lot of different perspectives on things).


*BUT* medication is part of the solution. For so many years I was told that I could work hard enough to not need medication. It's baggage that I carry around to this day. I'm 40 and just went back on medication, but before I did, I had to convince myself that it wasn't an admission of defeat. When I told my dad I was back on medication, he said "that's good, but the ultimate goal is to not need it" Well, yeah, but it's not like I can do dopamine bench presses until my receptors are strong enough.


I agree with that comment, I was told I asked too many questions in a meeting. I do not ask questions any more or try to help when someone has a problem and I know the answer because they ignore me.


That you don't care. That’s what I hear or feel a lot when someone notice that I space out, change the topic or I can't remember her or his name or what was said a few second ago. You don’t care about your future because you didn’t study. You don’t care for me because you don’t listen what I say (or even remember my name). Another one is that ADHD is an excuse (for everything). For being late, didn’t finish a task or homework, forget or can’t find stuff and so on. That sentence is sometimes like a joker card in a discussion which brings down every argument you put up for what happened. That can be very frustrating.


That everyone's ADHD experience is the same as everyone else's


I this is a repeat but I had a Medical doctor that do not believe it, so she was going to take me off of the meds. Started me on something that I took once or twice and will never take again for depression. You definitely do not grow out of it, you may learn coping skills to deal with it better.


When parents say, "Kids with ADHD just need is to play outside to tire them out a bit and they'll be okay" No, incorrect, tired or not adhd doesnt just stop being a thing cause the child is tired.


"Adhd people can't ever focus" That's not true, we are very focusing, thanks to hyper-focus! It's just that we focus on the wrong things...