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Hello everyone! 

We apologise for the brief delay in addressing this, as we needed to do a little bit of digging to ensure we knew what steps to take next. 

Thank you to everyone who either sent us a DM, an email, or both, letting us know about an email they received stating "Please confirm your subscription to the list" at the start of the month. We are still looking into the cause of this email, but at present we do believe it to be a technical malfunction. Our team is currently looking into it and will ensure it gets fixed. 

At this time, we do not believe there is any action that needs to be taken. If after our investigation we find that action does need to be taken, we will make a further update.

Once again, thank you to everyone who let us know! We appreciate it so much!

🧡 The How to ADHD Team



Hey guys! I received a letter by mail with brain and heart stickers, are they yours? Thanks for the answer

Nora Gainey

I don't see one in my email. No idea why. Perhaps it got deleted though I'm pretty careful, right now I'm sick so anything is possible.

Nora Gainey

Don't suppose there will be a tornado or a pot of gold. Still one lives in hope.

How to ADHD

Hi Dulce! We've not sent out stickers recently as far as I'm aware, though I also don't know how long it takes for mail to get from it's distribution center to various countries. So if it was from our last mailing and mail is delayed getting to where you live then it's definitely possible. I'll ask around though see if maybe I missed a memo! 😊 - Harley, Community Manager

How to ADHD

We still aren't sure why it was sent out, though it seems that it wasn't sent to everyone. So if you did not receive an email, no worries! 😊 - Harley, Community Manager