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Link: https://youtube.com/shorts/pY_4v_Mi8zc

Transcription:  When somebody has ADHD & depression the depression is considered either primary or secondary. Primary depression is a completely separate condition from ADHD. There isn't any internal or external events that trigger feelings of sadness and despair. There's often a family history of depression. Secondary depression is "because of" ADHD. It's due to years of low self-esteem, frustration, discouragement, because of living with untreated ADHD. It often occurs in teens and adults who's ADHD wasn't recognised and treated when they were younger. Who have come to accept the idea that they "aren't good enough", or they're "lazy", or "irresponsible". In either case, ADHD and Depression can exacerbate one another, so it's important to consider both in treatment.


Do You Have ADHD? or Depression? or Both? #shorts #adhd #depression #mentalhealth

Transcription: When somebody has ADHD & depression the depression is considered either primary or secondary. Primary depression is a completely separate cond...



I was having a nice and peaceful mind space today. And now you hit us with this doozy of a reality check haha. Good quick little short. Thank you! (Commenting here because YT Shorts on a Fold3 doesn't let you view comments......)


I have the second form or depression, was only diagnosed less than a year ago so still trying to find a treatment that works.


So much to talk about that you’d have to charge me by the hour. 😆 I was diagnosed with depression before ADHD mainly because I couldn’t articulate what was going on in my brain…but I could cry. Everyone understands that! That depression was situational. And still is. It’s triggered by stress and a feeling of no support and the constant feed of to do’s, brilliant ideas, and worries streaming through my brain. Now I’m trying out a new mix of meds. Continuity of care makes a difference. This is just a slice of the journey.


I had a much longer comment typed up, but it rambled way too much. Thank you for this video. Your content continues to help me understand, process, and validate experiences I had before my diagnosis and before I ever even suspected I might have ADHD. It helps so much to have someone with a platform like yours talk about the thoughts I'd only ever shared with myself. Even knowing that obviously I'm not the first to think them, it means something more to hear someone else has had them too.

How to ADHD

Yes!! I can definitely relate to this! I was diagnosed with depression before ADHD because of the same reason... I struggled to articulate what was going on. I had SO many concerns and yet no idea what was relevant or how to even bring it across. My depression is very situational as well and basically ties into the same things you've mentioned -- stress, feeling of no support and the constant feed of to do's, brilliant ideas, and worries. On one hand, it sucks you have to go through situational depression sometimes! On the other hand, it's really cool to feel like I'm not alone. 😅🧡 - Harley, Community Manager

How to ADHD

Awwwww, rambling comments are okay! You don't need to worry about that. 🧡 And you're welcome! We're so glad to know that the content has helped you so much during your ADHD journey -- and also glad to know that it helped you feel like you weren't alone in this world. 🧡 - Harley, Community Manager