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Patreon brains! Thank you so much for donating!!!! I know there's a lot you could have chosen to do with your spare dollars this month and we are incredibly grateful and honored you believe in what we're doing enough to use it to help us make more videos. This month we'll be stepping up our game, posting in the feed here more often as well as getting to work on bonus videos which it looks like we might be making as soon as October!!! A year ago this month, I first came up with the idea for "How to ADHD." Edward and I cannot believe how far that little idea has come, and with your support, we're excited to see how far it can go. We'll be reaching out soon to the appropriate tiers about how the perks will work (video chats, voting, etc) But for now, I want to hear from all of you -- What kinds of things would you like to see us doing in September and over the next year as we move closer to our goal of doing this full time?



Thank you both for you amazing work. One thing I'd love to hear about is how your new year goals are coming along. Did the method you talked about in your first video work? Let us know!

How to ADHD

<img src="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/patreon.comment/xmXdMaXLVrQAV3QsT036qNzMXHRSuBx4GQshC0C9g7jhDEI27sR9Az5I35sjEJ8s.PNG"><br>It did actually!! And I didn't even check it every day -- just had it in the front cover of one of my binders and would look at it now and then. This is part of it, from before I even put out my first episode:

How to ADHD

Not only is the show doing really well and I'm doing what I love (well, day job aside!), today Edward and I are celebrating our 2nd anniversary.


Wonderful to hear it! Happy anniversary to you both!


Just watching you be yourself is such a pleasure! I'm still learning about this condition and you're the first patreon I try, I don't really know what to expect. As long as you continue doing what you're doing, I'm happy ^_^

How to ADHD

Aw I'm so honored thank you!! It's my first time doing this too, just super grateful for your support!! And yeah no plans on stopping as long as I can afford to keep going! :D


You just keep on doing what you're doing. I think everyone here just wishes to see this channel grow, get support for fellow people wanting to understand what they are going through and to help support you to continue getting message out. I personally think a major scary point for anyone new to the disorder, or even people who have had it all their life is the medication/stimulant area, so something in that area in the future could be a discussion topic.


Keep doing it I find it highly educational and helps alot of ADHD people from Asia (India Malaysia Singapore and More)..... i chose to Advocate as I was one those Kids who struggled through life without knowing that i have ADHD.....even though I have been to psychiatrist psychologist councillor and more.....even though they were an expert to follow up with the child like me and still do....the same......until lately in the US...with medication and without ...In US we have Vyvanse that is helping me alot with my random binges and my spacing .....but in Asia it's Ritalin and Buprion......it's a tragic.......I am helping many others by sharing your videos and educating everyone......but you conquered the net by making fun informational and easier.......believe it or not I am working to get my medical degree...wondered how I had come this far.....enough said Keep up the pep.......you have the whole tribe of us behind.....We should make it loud and clear that we are nice creative United and have alot more to contribute.....more than our ADHD....and we can become successful (morale,morally,monatory....)....well I wish I want it to make it clear that all of us are suffering from it.....it's not only rich spoilt westernised education kids and it is a stigmatised soo much that we can't speak about it at all!!! .....Even among other Doctors.....if a doc has adhd=a laughing stock


UNDERLINE highlight and circle asterix (star) the ADHD and driving especially places like UK will be fined for not reporting worth £1000

How to ADHD

Yeah meds have been a common request, I've been reluctant since I'm not a doctor and meds are so controversial a subject, but I've started the research -- this will probably be a big episode to tackle but I'm on it!

How to ADHD

I am so grateful for your support and advocacy!! I'm hearing a lot of stories from brains in other countries that have also gone unnoticed or untreated or given meds that don't work as well as the ones available in the U.S. -- I feel awful and only hope that the channel raises enough awareness in these countries to make a difference! Thank you for helping me do that! No one should ever be considered a laughingstock for having ADHD, much less someone who's survived medical school despite struggling with it! I think it's incredible that you're working toward your medical degree, you'll do so much good in the world (and be an inspiration as well!)


If you need help in discusing about it give me heads up


Hey if you need help give me heads up and I can do my best to explain if you want there are docs like me too some with and without .........just here when you need the you want latin/Greek put into rainbows and colors and stuff related with English


Highlying gratefully and appredictive to such encouragement........i am almost done to earn a degree and soon try to learn to be an expert in the field by all means we all are gifted in so many ways and need to be channeled right


Maybe instead of looking at it as a video on the information, maybe just more of a broader discussion and sharing of stories of what worked for people. It could be something like your brain board supporters could just share a quick tidbits on how their current medication is, what is working, what is not working so instead of having a single point of view on medication, you get just a sharing of stories.


I can't believe I've actually contributed to a Patreon page. I think this is the first thing like this I've ever paid for online in my life, I just find your videos to be very enlightening, and calming, particularly for me --a 52-year-old man who has had ADHD all of my life, but until about 5 years ago didn't really connect my symptoms to ADHD. Then I saw this great PBS special about it, and I really started reading about it all I could. I also find your Videos extremely hilarious, you're just a funny girl and remind me of a friend I lost years ago, due to ADHD. Thank you so much for making these videos. I've watched the Why ADHD is Awesome vid a couple times. It's good to remember that something is awesome during the times when it's really pissing you off.

How to ADHD

Wow that means so much, thank you for your support!!! And yeah I can relate...the week I made that video, I *really* needed it.