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What are some other terms you wish people would stop saying to you regarding your mental (or even physical!) health? 


Words to Remove From Your Vocabulary #mentalhealth #adhd #shorts #ocd #autism



You should eat gluten-free, keto, organic, Paleo, etc...


Sleep more.


Exercise more.


This -insert meme- will cure your depression.


Why did you do that? (when using it makes someone feel their actions were wrong or foolish but no harm was actually done.) This happens to people prone to impulsivity and divergent thinking a lot! And in my case, frequently I may not even know why I did it.

How to ADHD

Oh god yes -- this was like a broken record for me as a kid. "Why did you do that?" "I don't know..." And of course "I don't know" frequently isn't an acceptable answer even if it is the truth. That's definitely a great one to add to this - thank you so much for sharing! - Harley Community Manager


I really liked this. I very much understand the point about not saying 'everyone is a bit ADHD' but I did wonder how to describe myself. My daughter is currently being assessed for ADHD and through this I'm realising it comes from my side of the family, and that I exhibit numerous ADHD behaviours. But I don't think I'd get over the bar for a full diagnosis because I can manage fine, and it's not that extreme. I've tended to say I have ASHD tendencies...is there a better way to express where I'm at?


You might describe yourself as highly functional with tendencies to do whatever behaviors you are observing in yourself. Many adults with ADHD get along fine because they've found strategies that work for them. That doesn't mean those strategies are always good ones or that they couldn't be improved upon. I've been a successful professional for many years with a fulfilling personal life while living it in hard mode. I look back and see so many of the choices I've made and personal experiences come from adaptation or maladaption to ADHD. If it's appropriate, speak with the person or team evaluating your daughter about your questions about yourself. Don't worry. It's a common question they get. I suggest at least that you keep learning and reading about ADHD. Even if you decide these traits don't add up to a need to be evaluated, you'll be more informed to be able to help your daughter if she gets a diagnosis.


Thank you, that's a kind and very thoughtful answer. Saying I have some ADHD behaviours or ADHD tendencies feels comfortable. I know what you mean about having strategies. I did an online ADHD test but it seemed to be testing the ability to cope with ADHD, rather than how my head is wired! Thanks again, and yes, I'm definitely up for keeping on learning, these videos are brilliant. I am finding it a relief to understand why I do certain things, and of course it's a great way to help me help my daughter. Ellen


"we know you can do it, we've seen you do it before", "so much potential but you are just wasting it", "Just Focus", "Why do I have to tell you so many times the same thing", "How did you just forget what I just told you", "you're not trying", "Why arent you putting in any effort", "If you had the Will you could do it", "Why do I have to tell you over and over again?" It's earth shattering when you know that you are trying so hard, and it just isn't visible. Sure we can fake it, but that is even harder on you, and lets be honest, that sets higher expectations that just make the days that are harder, even more hard.