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I'm curious to know... how do YOU cope with time blindness? Let us know in the comments of the short or right here on Patreon! 😄


ADHD Tools to Help with Timeblindness #adhd #shorts


Robert Pavelchek

I'm currently trying having an app on my phone that rings the hour...


I'm working on making my own little web-based timer, because I really want something that'll do a regular small beep every 5 or 10 min to help me maintain awareness of time passing while I'm working on a task. Something so I can set how long I'm going to focus for, and then it'll beep the passage of time until the final larger All Done sound goes off. of course, by "working on" I mean "one of my little side projects that I flitter between when bouncing off of my larger main task", haha


(I also do the lots-of-phone-alarms thing for reminders)


I keep a close eye on my meeting schedule at work. the rest I have some freedom to do what I need to do, and for that, lists. and KPI dashboards for things I am responsible for at work can be counted in days. like average response time to deal with a ticket etc. (I test software), so I know I need to look at the dashbaord to get started, the rest flows from there. Make sure all the sections look good. then look at my list again...


My old casio watch beeps every hour and usually I have my calendar open at work. There's a line that shows the time of day related to my planning of the tasks which really helps me.


I used to have clocks everywhere, and it did help me be more on time, but it made me extremely anxious about being late (something about hearing the passage of time) so I took them down. I heard something from Dr. Tracy Marks' YouTube channel that really resonated with me, and this has to do with leaving the house on time. Paraphrased: if you need to be somewhere at 12, and it takes you 30 minutes to get there, you need to have your KEY IN THE IGNITION by 11:25 (to give yourself five minutes of wiggle room). That phrase "key in the ignition" as opposed "it takes 30 minutes to get there so at 11:30, I'll get up and get ready" changed my mindset about the time that it takes to get places.


My apple watch was the best thing I ever purchased for myself. I constantly use timers, alarms, etc. to remind me of things (alarms), to set time goals (timers), to do lists (with alarms!), etc. I utilizes reminder alarms for making sure I get ready at a certain time, stop what I'm doing to head out, etc. Sometimes it takes several alarms to get me where I need to be...get ready, grab your keys, you should be in the car by now, etc. I also have clocks in most rooms as well, but honestly, my watch...it keeps me on track.


As someone else said using audio timers, I like brown noise with gradual shifts when I am doing focused work. A thunderstorm audio that ebbs to songbirds at the hour mark — I just add more rain sounds if I need a longer timer. It helps with softer transitions rather than jarring alarms that could take me out of focused productive flow.


I send myself delayed texts to remind me of things I need to do in a certain block of time. I use Google calendar's email feature to remind me to do certain daily tasks and remind me to get ready for whatever is next in my day.


I can't get this video to load. On click, it just shows the url for the cover image.

Ann Ingham

This video wont load for me

How to ADHD

Oh no! Yeah I see what you mean... I wonder if it's because it's a short. I'll see if it happens with the next short that gets posted. Thanks for letting me know!!

How to ADHD

Thank you for letting me know! I'll see if it happens with the next short that gets posted.


Love this topic. This is my biggest issue. I've lost my 13 year government career due to this. There is no compassion and no real treatment for this! I'm trying to recondition my brain on time and how long things actually take. Hopefully something will change soon.
