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Hello Brains & Hearts!

We just wanted to take this moment to announce the Official How To ADHD Minecraft server and a survey to go along with it!   

Right now, we are in the setup phase. Our tentative launch day at the moment looks to be Friday March 25th!

We want our Minecraft server to be a community based server, just like a majority of the things we do. So, if you are someone who has played on the server in the past, or are definitely interested to play on the server in the future, we would like to ask for your participation in this survey:


This will allow us to craft this Minecraft server for you the players.

Lastly, we know it'll disappoint some of you, but the official Minecraft server will be added as a Patreon perk in the "Behind the Brains ($5)" support level. This will allow us to offset the operation costs of the server itself. To access to the Official Minecraft server, you will have to be supporting How to ADHD at the "Behind the Brains ($5)" level or above, and you will also be required to be a member of our Discord Community for the verification process. Don't worry though, access to our Discord community is also part of your perks!

We will periodically drop more announcements with additional information within the coming weeks so look out for those!

Thank you so much to everyone who support us and what we do! We hope to offer you more fun things like this in the future as a token of our immense appreciation!!



Can I ask where the idea of having a Minecraft server was? I am new and did not know about its history.


I'm a Behind-the-Brainer, but I'll definitely never use this perk. However, I know that Minecraft has a ton of fans, and I know that some of the folks here are financially constrained in what they can spend every month, so I'm wondering if it would be possible to gift my would-be access to the server for a fellow Brain who can't afford my tier?

Atonn Smeltzer

It started a couple of years ago, and has a solid core group who plays together often, and then there are those of us who play every couple of months as we remember that it exists 😂


No thanks. I don't play games. ❤

How to ADHD

Atonn's comment pretty much sums it up! And is relatable and accurate. I also am one of those who play every couple of months as I remember that it existed. 😂 We had a main town where people could build their homes, then we had a mineworld where we could farm for materials and explore, and we had a portal to the Nether as well from what I remember of it. However we're starting from scratch so the new server won't be exactly like the last one! Especially depending on how this survey turns out -- you're still free to take the survey though even if you've not played our previous version! - Harley Community Manager

How to ADHD

Awwwwww that's very considerate and sweet of you! Unfortunately that'd be a little too much work on the back-end and we all have our plates full this year. But I'll pitch it to Stephen as a thought to keep in mid in case we have time to work out a system for that! 🧡 - Harley Community Manager


Gotcha, thanks for the explanation. I might check it out however lately me and my daughter are much more into Roblox. Is this mainly for adults or kids of members as well?

How to ADHD

It is primarily for adults, though it will still follow our server's rating of PG-13iiiish. That said, due to technical limitations, if a parent would like to have their kid on the server the kid would need to have a patreon account setup separately. It's not a clean solution but unfortunately, again, tech limits. :( And you, yourself, would need to be okay with your kid around adults who may not always talk about things some parents are not comfortable with their kid hearing/witnessing. <3 (Basically trying to give adult ADHDers a place where they can relax and have fun without worrying too much about what they do or say so long as it's within our #code-of-conduct. 😊) Hope this makes sense and answers your question well enough! - Harley Community Manager


I've never played Minecraft on my own. It might be fun to try! I've also never used discord. I'm still trying to figure that one out!


What's the status on this? How do I find the server?

How to ADHD

You'll want to join our Discord! You can refer to our new pinned FAQ post as well which will help walk you through verifying on our Discord AND where to find the Minecraft section. 😊 If you need any further assistance you can DM us here or by posting in our #ask-a-mod channel on the Discord once you're in! - Harley Community Manager