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Palestrina behind the scenes! #BLM video



I am of Middle Eastern origin. I am brown, potentially of South Asian origin. I have dyspraxia, ADHD, aspergers traits.


Thank you for addressing this and bringing it to light to make those of us who are white more aware of the extra challenges faced by the black community. We have one layer of stigma to deal with and they have so many more layers heaped on top of that. I look forward to hearing their voices and how to find some way to help in whatever way I can. I imagine the editing to be quite a challenge - what to leave out ? I know id have a really hard time and like the suggestion mentioned above about letting them listen before airing to make sure their message is getting out there as they hope. ❤️


Thank you so much for doing this. I’m so excited, and I totally think you should pitch Netflix on a documentary...


Thank you for this small window into your world. You do such interesting and important work.


I'd just like to second Doug's emotion here (😉). I think that you guys could make a truly *amazing* documentary about the experience of growing up and living in America as a Black "brain". As pale-as-a-lily-in-a-particularly-fierce-blizzard as I might be, many of loved ones are *far* less melanin-deficient than I, and I believe a doc like this might mean a whole lot to them, and to their families. I also work in indie film production as a Line Producer (and increasingly as a full-fledged, full-fat Producer), and although most of my own work is narrative, I have a bunch of talented friends in the documentary world who I've been talking to a lot as I develop my own doc about my hometown here in southern Indiana. I know you guys keep crazy busy (and so very appreciate everything y'all do!), but if you *ever* want to have a chat on phone, Skype / FaceTime, Messenger, synchronized carrier pigeon relay-- do drop me a line via PM here. It'd be an absolute pleasure to speak with you all!


You have to show African immigrants, Latinos, East Asians, South Asians, Middle East and North African people, multiracial people etc.


Congratulations on deciding to dig into this situation. Yes, it’s got to be harder for the black community to deal with ADHD on top of their already tough situation in many places. Us brains benefit from others issues to understand our own better. Empathy is a way to realize we are not alone in our struggles but also the first step into being part of the solution of the particular problems of someone else. Good luck!