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Day 262 — Sneak peek at episode on assertive communication :)



This is a great topic and I believe we all struggle with that in our lives. I recently had to put brakes on saying "yes" to people and putting their needs before mine. I was getting extremely overwhelmed by the amount of projects I was taking on, but they weren't bringing me any happiness and I was not getting anything out of it. It took me a lot of courage to start to say "no" and start focusing on myself. The result was amazing and I feel better about myself. I can't wait to see what is your take on it. 😊


I am so excited about this one! I've been working on boundaries and assertive communication in therapy for a while now. I'm doing Physical Focused Therapy for it, which is all about learning to listen to what your body tells you, and finding practical strategies to communicate that. One thing I've learned, for example, is that it works for me to go to the toilet in social situations as a quick moment to check in with myself. Since I've been practicing with boundaries, it kind of feels like this magic power I have to let people know how I feel about things. It's scary, but also exciting!