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Day 247 Part Three The End



Great to see you gals having some morning time fun. Yeah, no, maybe--I'll have to get a new printer. Wonder if I should?


just curious- but shouldn't these 3 vids be 247 (emphasis on the 4)??? As 246 was the one prior.... Made me laugh. It's a lot of work preparing things to present to others- I'm trying to do that with papercrafting and blogging... and some vids... I end up past where they are relavent and scrap it all... At least y'all are on your own schedule


I have some questions. Can you explain more about the Project evaluation part. I'm not sure I understand what it's for.


The pdf is on the website: <a href="https://howtoadhd.com/toolbox/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://howtoadhd.com/toolbox/</a>


Here is the video Jessica was refering to: <a href="https://youtu.be/SsP7COz-XFQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/SsP7COz-XFQ</a>


While I go through this exact process in my decision making, it took me a long time to break it down into the elements you put on the sheet. Its a process I do in my head, and thinking about it now has me wondering if writing it on a sheet may in some way shift things. One of those subtle things that makes a difference. Doing the sheet could be the first step in a project, the easy step that gets me started mentally engaging it in an accessible fashion.