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Day 244 which shall be called Day 243



Sending you all the love and support in my heart. I know you can run this business. And all the people whose lives you've touched and changed will be here with you as you figure out how. Can't wait to hear the song. Making a video sounds like writing a book. How do I keep forgetting how terrible it can be before I've started, or how worth it it will be when I'm caught in the middle?


Jessica- I am so sad to hear you are separated... I thought that when I watched your rebuilding routines... but I didn't want that to be so and thought I was missing something. Just know you are loved- valued- and we're here to support you. As you tell us all the time- "you are not alone!" (((((((HUGS)))))))


Good luck and good strength during this time of change. You are amazing and your channel helps so many brains and hearts. Hugs


Sending healing vibes Jessica, I'm very sorry for your transition, but you will get through it no matter how terrible it feels. My ex came back from a trip and dropped it on me, totally clueless, 12 years ago. We get over it, eventually. Endeavor to Persevere.


I'm so sorry the hear about you and Edward. I don't know what's going on but don't beat yourself up. It doesn't make you any less of a person. It doesn't define you. I can't pull from experience because I've never been in a relationship or married. I'm happy you are seeking therapy. It's very brave of you to share this with us. Focus on taking care yourself and take it a step at a time. I found something on Pinterest a while ago. It's a quote. I have no idea who said it but I thought it was worth passing on. Here it is: "Some days are better, some days are worse. Look for the blessing instead of the curse. Be positive, stay strong, and get enough rest. You can't do it all, but you can do your best." I know this is situation is something you have to navigate yourself but I hope it helps.


So sorry you are going through this, Jessica. You will be okay, because you have to be, and because you know yourself and know that it takes professional and personal support to get through transitions. Take care of yourself! Sending hugs!


My partner and I have ADHD. It is really hard. I'm sorry you are both going through this and I hope you both find an outcome that you want. This group and these videos are so enlightening and helpful to so many people and I can only imagine how hard it is to put yourselves out there in front of so many people. You are both brave and incredible people and I hope through the hard times that you don't forget that and remember to look after yourselves. We appreciate you and are rooting for you no matter the outcome.


Jessica, your first comment about never wanting to do it again reminds me of when I took classes at Columbus College of Art and Design. I took 3 classes one semester while working a full time job. At the end of the spring semester, I was like I never wanted to work on an art project again. Then a couple of months later I would be thinking about the fall semester and looking forward to starting the whole thing again. Needless to say that all ended when I ended moving back up to Rochester, NY with my first wife. I am so sorry to hear about Edward and you. Having gone through two it is never easy and you were there for me during the second one. That one did a lot of damage that today I am still working on. If you need any help with things let me know.


Jessica, is all I can say is wow. Sorry for what you are going through, your podcast was all too real and I am sure it hits home for most of us with ADHD (my heart goes out to you) In my case, I seem to sabotage my most of my relationships (now on my third marriage) as when it gets difficult I tend to lean to fight or flight mode. Good luck going through this difficult time, stay strong

Meaghan Glynn

It's so generous of you to share your life stuff with us. I personally really appreciate it because it's a terribly relatable thing for people with ADHD to struggle with relationships. I don't mean to compare my situation to yours, but before I was diagnosed I was in a really toxic and often abusive relationship with, I now realize, another undiagnosed ADHD person. I was so unhappy I wanted to just stop existing, because I had failed in so many relationships before and I felt as if I deserved what I was experiencing and that it would never get better. Two years later I got an official diagnosis. I finally understood why I couldn't change my behavior no matter how hard I tried. And thanks to the folks at the Hallowell center (I'm in MA), I learned how to work WITH my brain, not against it. My life has changed so much in just two years; I've begun letting go of an incredible amount of guilt and shame. And to bring it back to relationships, I'm with a non-brain who complements my habits very well (he's very mildly OCD so tidying is satisfying to him). I'm so much happier now and I want to thank you for helping me get there. TL;DR Relationships consisting of two brains are extremely challenging. I may know a teeny bit how you feel. I'm rooting for you both to find happiness, whatever that ends up looking like.


Wishing all the best things for you and for Edward. I hope that, however it goes, the two of you are able to find a resolution that is healthiest for both of you. This will have its place.


I’m sorry to hear you two are having troubles but don’t let yourself jump to divorce. You both might be caught up in the moment. Something may of upset one or both of you. Try to keep communication going, going to therapy is good but nothing will get resolved if you two don’t talk too. Turn that hyper focus and a sense of stubbornness in on your relationship. If it takes away time from the chanel, if everyone is like me, we’ll understand. I hope this helps you. Remember keep faith, stay strong, feel loved.