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Day 231 — wait, where am I?



What a great friend you are! It sounds like a wonderful opportunity for both of you. And, I can't help but notice the adorable hoodies Chloe is wearing. (yeah, her Aunt Jo got it for her!)


I use to do travel for a job years ago, and found myself (before cell phones and high tech) calling the front desk and having to ask where I was and what day of the week it was because I totally forgot. Do not feel bad for it, I am glad that you are able to help other people with dealing with situations. This reminds me why I donate to help people that need the help. Keep up the great work.


I hope today is the day I jump through the little tiny hoop to find disqord. Don't know why by my EF just turns off when things seem more complicated than I thing they should be. I'm either getting in or unsubscribing, so here goes all that.


I got zero hits for "discord registration" at Patreon help, so I'm flummoxed and have other issues to deal with. Hope to have the energy to make all the proper connections tomorrow. I'm struggling and would like to see if your/our group could help inspire some focus. FB groups are nearly always useless "me too" junk and all my "accountability partners" have gotten too busy to connect--not that I've ever found any with a good schedule for us. So I'm bobbing in the currents of whatever catches my interest next. Gotta go straighten out the PO.

How to ADHD

Wade - Edward here - I made a video based on the help files to help folks having trouble with discord, lemme know if it works. bit.ly/HTADHDpatreon2discord


Well now I cannot find how to link to your stuff or any group. And I've got to go work outside while the sun is up. I'm confused by Discord and Disqus and Patreon in general, but have paid a couple bucks and figure I should make it work or quit paying for it. Be back in a few hours (and I'll delete this mess if I ever get connected. I cannot find any "pledges info" and I've somehow lost that "welcome to whatever" email. Too much to do, to little EF to make it happen nicely. ARG!

How to ADHD

Wade - Edward again - real quick: do you have a tier chosen? It may be if you're donating but you didn't actually select a tier, it might not pop up for you (it's happened before, you would not be the first :) )


Hey, I missed this comment Jessica, sorry 'bout that. In one LAST attempt before heading out the door, I finally got all the little pieces and parts of the digital puzzle put together. I'm usually --NOT-- the "techno challenged" but then I've not kept up with all the various social and pay platforms. You brought me to Patreon. And now I think I'm linked up to Discord. Looks like at. Cheers!


Replied above J, thanks. I was able to work down through the help pages somewhere.

How to ADHD

Sounds good! (This is Edward, btw 😁 )


Whooops Sorry Edward!