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Day 214 -- fine, I'll use a calendar



Calendars are similar to pomodoros if you look at it from that perspective. YouTube has a bunch of good videos on calendar blocking that might inspire a bit. I’m not sure I would be as rigid as some folks, but they have some good ideas. My daughter tried some calendar blocking and got a little overwhelmed by trying to schedule her whole day. Now she just schedules certain chunks of her day and that helps direct her back in track. Everyone should experiment and try different techniques until they find or make a solution best for them.


I use mine for bills & auto withdrawal dates(among other things), my google calendar can go into a schedule view which can be a life saver. also, reminders set via voice control also show up there, voice dictated reminders for those in the moment things make little things so much easier to remember.


there's the whole "i kinda know but i don't really know," and so this video is still amazingly helpful. <3


Having been in the Military- a calendar was a MUST!!! I did thrive with the structure. Since I've been out of the military and not having to get a new job (thanks to a great husband who worked it out and got us out of debt)- I've been having issues on being productively productive. As in I'm doing a lot of stuff, yet not getting much done that was on my to-do list. My therapist suggested I treat my paper crafting business the same as in the military- set times to work- clock in and clock out.... Still haven't figured that out yet. And the idea I'm really resistant to. Especially since it's been 5 + years since I've even had a "job" :o


Calendars and to-do/task managers (sometimes both in the same product) can be hugely beneficial. However, for some of us with ADD and these types of “systems” can be a huge rabbit hole of trying to find out which of the available options seem to work the best for *US*. By us I mean not just those with non-neurotypical brains but “US” as a wide concept of diversity when it comes to finding system which work well and which happens to be complicated by ADD. I believe that it’s just harder for us with ADD to find systems which work well enough to stick with and grow with us as we strive to develop better calendar and to-do list discipline. It really is all about establishing the discipline, but some products can help with that and others don’t help at all with the disciple of calendaring and to-do list management. I’ve probably gone through 7-8 different digital calendar products/methods/systems since my first Palm Pilot (which was a freekin’ organizational near-miracle for me, and saying that it was a Palm Pilot partially dates me as a fossil). Prior to that I was reasonably successful with the Franklin Covey paper calendar system, and my occasional lack of success with it was due to my (then undiagnosed) ADD. So look at a bunch of options, even if you have to spend money to do so. Look at systems which work both on your handheld and your laptop. You might want to have a shared calendar capability with Edward so that you can have a “yours, mine, and ours” set of calendars (my wife and I do this with Google Calendars).


I loved this post. Well I love most of your posts.😀 Most of my days are total mud slide days, which either results in me pulling all nighters or not getting done what I need to. I have been self employed for 15 yrs, and over the last few years I've noticed a lot of work sliding from one day to the next to the next week to...oh crap its been a month and I have no update. To the point that I have almost lost clients. I'm like Edward and resist the man aka clock. It gives me anxiety to think about scheduling my day. But I keep hearing about this ssd whole block scheduling thing. I like how you say it helps with a time to stop.... now to work on transition steps..lol you has a vlog on that too. My biggest problem is when working with multiple clients prioritizing who gets my attention first. Normally it's the squeaky wheel but that is normally not productive. I'm starting out this week scheduling my day in blocks. Wish me luck. Would love to hear about your insights as you take a go at using a calendar again.