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Write down your idea, get some sleep, then decided if it was really a good idea.


Welcome to Auckland! Squid and I are so excited to see you tomorrow ❤️


Welcome to NZ , looking forward to tomorrow.


You guys will rock it! I like the buzzer idea, but if it's been too long since you introduced it, the audience may not remember what it was for, ie, may not get the joke in that moment. My son (a big fan of yours) says the buzzer idea is awesome and he thinks you should do it! Best of luck and have a blast!


go with the buzzer idea, shows the importance of an accountability buddy. :)


My daughter and I really enjoyed today’s presentation , great to see you both in real life. We saw you video’d the presentation would love to see again if possible, are you going to post it? Or makes available through ADHD NZ?


I just got around to watching this and you deserve the special treatment especially for all the hard work that goes into doing what you do. I have been in the same position once and a while and while I feel I do not deserve it, I too remember all the long nights and hard work that I have done at times. We never see the all nighters or what is probably a constant work that you do. I my self am happy for you because I know the effect that you have with everyone. The two of you are opening up the eyes to the world about ADHD. So, yes enjoy it !!!