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We actually recorded this last night, but forgot to upload in the 20-hr push to get the double videos out on Friday. This is a vulnerable video to post, because it's easier in a way to just keep trying to do things the way you've always done them rather than admit that your process needs an overhaul. It's also a bit scary to make it semi public, but that was kind of the point of the behind the scenes vlog -- to pull back the curtain and let you all see the process of learning to be a professional YouTuber. I'm excited to see if our new system works, because if it does I think we'll be able to be a LOT more effective at making the world a better place for ADHD brains and the hearts who love them 🤗


Day 171 - The Artist and the Adult

We actually recorded this last night, but forgot to upload in the 20-hr push to get the double videos out on Friday. This is a vulnerable video to post, because it's easier in a way to just keep trying to do things the way you've always done them rather than admit that your process needs an overhaul. It's also a bit scary to make it semi public, but that was kind of the point of the behind the scenes vlog -- to pull back the curtain and let you all see the process of learning to be a professional YouTuber. I'm excited to see if our new system works, because if it does I think we'll be able to be a LOT more effective at making the world a better place for ADHD brains and the hearts who love them 🤗



I think you guys are being really wise with thinking things through what's worked for you what hasn't worked for you. It seems that so many things have changed in your lives and in the channel since you started. I think it's great that you're rethinking it all..hmm....'try different, try again' just went through my head. This week was my meet the teacher night (Wednesday) & my first 2 days of school Thursday & Friday..{I teach 3rd grade} Wednesday night I was feeling so much like a failure in the 30 minutes before parents arrived as I was shoving things into cupboards & trying to make the room look perfect {it didn't!}...but what you shared at the end...how many new things am I trying & taking on that others aren't...trying to look at all I HAVE done, but wow, that failure word...my constant battle. Maybe you two {me too} need to give yourself more grace...last night your new videos already had over 3K & 4 K views in under 10 hours...you have a following, you are not going to be losing viewers, you are only going to gain as you continue to put out videos that MAKE A DIFFERENCE, THAT MATTER. That is what you are doing, changing lives for the better...so it's okay {from my perspective} to put out videos less frequently so your quality of life is better. Sorry for being so preachy! Thank you again for what you are doing. Take care of yourselves & each other. 😚❤


Part 1: This is the first Patreon video that you guys have put out that I have watched (despite being a patron for a long time), and I’m really glad I watched this one. Thanks for being vulnerable.


Part 2: For what it’s worth, when you guys were talking about buying creative/flow time in bulk and how your current work flow interferes with that, I immediately thought of a phrase that my wife and I have long used to describe one of the “features” of ADHD: trouble with transitions. This “feature” is the difficulty that we Brains have in transitioning from one physical/mental environment to another. Leaving the house is a transition, as is going to sleep/waking up, or having to get an item that we need (tool, water bottle, reference book, etc.) that is more than an arm’s reach away, or changing classes during the school day. TWT overlaps with hyperfocus, but it’s a distinct thing that I think most Brains will intuitively recognize once made aware of it. Neurotypical Brains have issues with transitions, too, of course, but they are far less significant than the ADHD brain’s reluctance. Anyway, I think what you guys are describing is a way to try structure your workflow that takes TWT into account. And that was eye-opening for me. So, thanks!


I love this song:) <a href="https://youtu.be/bxV-OOIamyk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/bxV-OOIamyk</a>


Nicely said Michael, if was asked to point to the one thing I struggle with the most it’s transitions — in flow or not.