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Rough cut of the Depression Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZvfvUB9Xes

Today I also learned that my camera reverses my image when I'm shooting, so when I point to the corner of the screen at 1:14, I'm actually pointing the wrong way, yay! :)


Day 168 - Your Feedback Requested

Rough cut of the Depression Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZvfvUB9Xes Today I also learned that my camera reverses my image when I'm shooting, so when I point to the corner of the screen at 1:14, I'm actually pointing the wrong way, yay! :)



So often I come to Jessica for the advice, but it is you (Ed) who I feel kinship with. Like the moment when Jessica was on a tangent and asked you what she just said. I do that exact thing of replaying the last minute of conversation to see what I should've replied to. Exactly. Also a guy only diagnosed recently as an adult (30's). This is a different video, which makes it tricky to evaluate in comparison. It is a very valid and important video, but different. Also it's the first rough cut I've seen. So excuse the lack of order to the response. Things I feel or have felt, viscerally: - The want to be more than just blank. The way life doesn't touch you in any immediate fashion. Especially just being a robot with, and this was an awesome line, "the memory of feelings". - Suicide being reasonable compared to the nothing of else. The frustration at the nothing. - The fact that what kept you here is that it would be an immesurable hurt to those you care about if you stopped trying. - How much easier it would be without connection. That look of distant longing at 4:47 may just be me projecting, but man, I've wished that before. - The want to want to try. - Not being able to communicate. Not having the words. I think this just turned this into a vent session not a critique. Apologies. But not enough apologies to resist pressing enter and sending this. So let me try to bring it back to commenting on the video itself. I really do like it. I like that there's a lot to empathise with. There's a lot I have felt, and so surely others have to. Especially those corrected as often as those with ADHD, which I still wonder if is why I felt the world was so difficult. I wonder if you wouldn't mind elaborating on exploring options. It's hard, as you said a bunch in there - it's not something that one can talk another out of. And yet there's the history of videos with hints on how to tackle life. Unfortunately, I don't have a clear option beyond just talking about the exploration of options. So take that with a grain of salt. This is already so long and rambling, I'll stop here. Except to say that while I'm sure you have a great support structure over there Ed, if you need to chat when everyone else is asleep - I'm in Australia, so sure to be awake. ;) Thanks for sharing all of this.


Edward, thank you for posting the rough cut. I appreciate your description of what depdession feels like. I have never experienced that myself, but I've had other family members who have struggled with it. I appreciate you being willing to describe that world and qhat you went through. And you wanting to reach out to those who are experiencing depression themselves. One thing that concerns me a little is the "explore your options" phrase. I think you meant "there are oprions out there for you ro explore that you may not have considered. Just from what you said, there may be people in depression who don't even know there are options, or who may have been told the options but forgotten about them, to ahom "explore all your options" might sound different thab the meaning you intended to convey. But the video on a whole is up front and sincere and I'm sure the final cut will be a resource that does a lot of good, both for people who experience depression and those who have only seen it from the outside


The rough cut is good.


The rough cut is wonderful. Genuine, honest and confidently vulnerable. To be able to channel your own experience into a way to assist others seems a great way to "ease your way out of the dive". If a lack of purpose fuels depression (which it has at times for me), then feel confident in knowing that we recognize your purpose, at times even when you may not. Reach out... It may help to be reminded once in a while that you're not "responsible" for everyone who follows and loves you guys. The responsibility is shared and reciprocated. Hugs to you both. Wish I had known when we met up. Please know that the love you feel from the brains is a supporting, not demanding love. Be well my friends! ☺️


I like it. I'd love to share about my own journey, but I'd rather not post much to faceкнига. I didnt link to discord, but I do use it and don't know how to link up now. ah HA! got it to work, I was trying to use the app when patreon wanted me to use the website to connect.


Edward, please have Jessica check her email..wrote a pretty detailed response...thank you for choosing to take on this challenging topic!


At first glance it is a good video. I want to watch it again and take some time to process it. Thank you Edward for sharing.