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Edward talks about the little-discussed "calm after the storm" - managing the post-exhilaration comedown that to so many often appears as depression or "the blues" after a major event.


Day 145 - The Calm AFTER The Storm

Edward talks about the little-discussed "calm after the storm" - managing the post-exhilaration comedown that to so many often appears as depression or "the blues" after a major event.



This. Thanks Chris. Different walk of life but had a success recently after 2 years of solid effort. Was so high the day of the success, the next day I was wiped. Wondered on discord if others felt this way. Now I know they do. When I have successes like that I allow myself to have a day off the following day so I can feel wiped out and crappy. Your video put that feeling into perspective. Now I know its just a recharge day. Its a positive thing after all. Thank you.


Excellent and important topic today! Coming off of hyper-focus, especially when doing new things (e.g., putting yourself out there), can be exhilarating and oddly like a vacuum. Not empty in a bad way, just a place where you need to create some space for recharging. Your timing is perfect as I had just such an event last night, and what you described is about how I felt when I got home. Sort of a "what's next", but "not just now" fleeting thought, after which I watched some mindless TV. And I can tell myself that is completely ok. Thanks for sharing.


It is is the low after a high. It reminds me of when I lived closer to my children. I would go on vacation with them for a week. During that week I would get very used to having them around. Then I would take them back to their mothers then go home. I lived by myself and what I remember about getting back home without my kids is how deafing quiet it would be in that house. I hated it so very much it hurt. I would unload the car and stand in my house alone. I love my kids so much that there were times after I dropped them off and went home I would be in tears. There is more but it hurts too much thinking about it. So, after being on this high with having my kids, I too came back to reality. I think that in many ways that everyone has to deal with it. It is not easy, but I survived and it is still hard to this day. Watching my daughter graduate college with a 3.7 GPA this year. I rarely saw her when she started college and she has not visited me where I live in over 7 years. I go to where they live and every time I come back I bottom out. I get up the next day and do not even want to go to work. So, yes it is completely and extremely hard at times. I can completely relate to it.