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In which Jessica describes what happens when you don't have systems to keep your life in balance.



I find it interesting how ADHD especially when combined with other co-morbidities can effect people in exactly the opposite way. I struggle with the exact opposite. I create systems out of thin air and rigidly stick to them. I stick to them so rigidly I can stop having any fun for years at a time. However, I am productive so I get rewarded for sticking to the ineffective system.

How to ADHD

At the Help Group conference the keynote speaker noted that mental conditions create either chaos or rigidity. Two very different responses to the same basic issue of trouble filtering & processing information effectively. I haven’t looked into that theory but I found it interesting because yeah, some ADHDers are chaotic & messy and some are almost overly organized...


I need that shirt! Where did you find it? Also, This video is so true. I have just recently started really trying to make more of an effort with my bullet journal. I wrote down all these important dates for school. Such as tests, my midterm, projects for this month. It is important to have a routine. I have notice you and Edward are staying up all night to get stuff done. Then you get stressed and it can make you sick more often. For example, my psychiatrist was telling me I need to take my med at a certain time. I had to set an alarm to wake me up to remind me to take it. She told me if I wanted to go back to bed I could. Well I was getting up and taking it but then I got into a habit of saying.."Let me just go back to sleep for another hour. It's just an hour". Since my med lasts 16 hours, if I wait another hour it will through things off. So I already keep a bottle of water on my night stand and I just put my med bottle there so I will take it and not have to get up and out of bed. I think realizing you need structure is so important. Especially being a brain. It is ok to scale back on animation and stuff. I love watching your videos but ya'll still have to take care of yourselves and your own needs. Otherwise, it is consuming you. I don't want your living space to end up like the pictures I showed you. It creates an unhealthy environment. Getting out and doing yoga and going to the grocery store are important. Even if it means spending less time on discord.


I have always said that the hardest thing about breaking a routine is getting back into the routine. It was always easier for me to make sure I went to the gym, because I know if I stopped it was harder to get back in the routine. My normal workout required an hour. If i was delayed for some reason, I came up with the saying 30 minutes of a workout is better than no workout at all. However, I have fallen off the horse of working out and just lost the desire. Being single makes it worse for me. At work when I would go on vacation for a week, I would write something up before I went on vacation of things I needed to address when I got back. When I did field service repair I would always double the estimate of time needed to do the work. I would say, if everything goes well it will be 2 hours , but do not expect it back up for 4 hours just in case I ran into issues. Getting sick throws everything out the window too. Being on call for me was the worse because, I could get a call at 2AM in the morning to fix something and still be expected to be at work the next day. The two of you have a lot of things to send you off track, I think the key is a method to get back on track. There will be times were it will drive you crazy, but taking that extra 10 minutes to load the dishwasher before you go to bed, will be worth when you have your spoon in the morning. Which leads me to the question how do you eat your cereal with a fork? Squirrel!!!!!!


I can totally relate to this. I had a great routine built in with work, chores, shopping trips, etc. Then the school year ended (I'm a teacher) and I had to start a new job for the summer (which I do every year). I just finished my first week at this new job and because of this new work schedule, new co-workers, new EVERYTHING, the rest of my life has pretty much fallen apart. My house is cluttered, I have no food in my fridge, and it's Saturday, but I'm totally too exhausted to do anything else. I am letting myself rest today and then attempting to find a new balance tomorrow.