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Hot-off-the-press inspiration for a video.

If you were there for my live ranting while I watched Take Your Pills, then saw the final video, you know my initial thoughts will be examined, questioned, researched, assembled and polished before I let them out into the YouTube-verse. But I thought it might be interesting to see the first spark of the fire.

Would love your thoughts, respectful debates welcome.

Original FB post (thanks Leah!)
https://www.facebook.com/110036232515591/posts/814588628727011/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/110036232515591/posts/814588628727011/


Day 128 — The Conception of an Episode

Hot-off-the-press inspiration for a video. If you were there for my live ranting while I watched Take Your Pills, then saw the final video, you know my initial thoughts will be examined, questioned, researched, assembled and polished before I let them out into the YouTube-verse. But I thought it might be interesting to see the first spark of the fire. Would love your thoughts, respectful debates welcome. Original FB post (thanks Leah!) https://www.facebook.com/110036232515591/posts/814588628727011/





Can you do a vid on ADHD and eating disorders?


I just watched the video and understand exactly what your talking about. Not feeling guilty? OMG, I wish I could not feel guilty to every wrong thing that I have done. Oh, yea I think that my ADHD caused me to learn how to remember stupid little thing yet forget big things. So, what things do I remember? Every stupid little and big mistake, frustration and outburst I have done plus the emotion that I felt at the time of the issue. Let's talk about what toll this has taken on my self esteem in the process, or I should say lack of any self esteem. To hear these "positive" characteristics of ADHD is a huge lie and mis truth it is not funny. That book should be ripped off the virtual shelf they sit on. My life is fillled with a lot of the negative ones including the end of a year long relationship because I could not handle it anymore. Yes, every child is special in there own way. But, with ADHD these special skills also can come with some serious negative side effects that can prevent a person from really achieving or being happy. You hear that you are stupid, crazy or wired all your life you believe it. I am past that point any more and in a way given up. Plus not mention I can not write worth a crap.


Kick ass on this new episode and I wish I could make it VidCon this year. I need a break from my reality.


I posted a comment on the page. “I appreciate trying to find the positive in situations, but this is dangerous mis-information. ADHD needs to be diagnosed and treated with therapy and/or medication, not just a Pollyanna attitude. Also, that list of symptoms is wrong! Disappointed that an education site would share this.”


I'm new on here and it'll take me awhile to get around things. So, I'll start with the simplest question I have so far - I've clicked the link but I can't see it. Was it taken down? Or was it in a group I'm not a member of? Expect many more dim questions whilst I figure this out...slowly...


And in response to the question in the video - I get your point. From the words you had highlighted, there's a huge amount of judgement in there about comfort with irresponsibility. I'm happy to point out what delights my ADHD brings me, and there are many. But that doesn't mean I don't cry often (and very dramatically!) about the way I mess other people around or let myself down. There's a real heartsink that happens when you feel so misunderstood.


The link was not taken down. Looks like a copy and paste error. Try going to: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/110036232515591/posts/814588628727011/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/110036232515591/posts/814588628727011/</a>


Thank you for calling this out. I see many of my symptoms on the list, however the effect is the exact opposite of what they say is the gift. Looses things often..... Means I pay an ADHD tax Acts like I don't hear... first of all not an act (people have been acussing me of acting my entire life), second it means I am more tuned in to the annoying and less tuned in to the important. Also, I don't think my hear, boss, mother, etc.... would take kindly to being called "annoying people" No Self Awareness .... I am constantly burning/cutting myself accidentally and wondering oh what happened....I am constantly afraid I am going to hurt my self This may be my ASD not my ADHD. Do you want me to continue....... That said I also think of my unique wiring as a gift, but it is not re-framing the symptoms, it is looking at who I am as a person.

How to ADHD

That’s a good episode. That one will take some time, I haven’t read any of the research on it.

How to ADHD

Right?? I feel like ADHDers kick themselves *more* often, if anything. I’m sorry that you’ve internalized the misguided judgements hurled at you, that’s exactly what I’m fighting against. 😔

How to ADHD

Me too. I’m sure I’ll make it out to Rochester at some point though maybe we could meet there :)

How to ADHD

You have such perfect responses. Diplomatic and firm without insulting the intent of the poster. ❤️👏

How to ADHD

Yeah I felt the same, that’s why it upset me so much. So many inaccurate assumptions in a book designed to educate.

How to ADHD

Oof yeah. Not sure what approach to take on this episode yet but that’s one. “What it looks like on the outside” —&gt; actual lived experience, both positive &amp; negative.


Also it would be cool if you started a series in which you would do like ADHD and (insert other comorbid condition here) and then you make a playlist called ADHD and... (just my idea it sounds interesting)


I do agree it is a good response. Some of those "positives" come across with negative consequences both when you are young and older. Which makes having friends difficult.


Anxiety, no self esteem, co- workers that hate you, managers telling you to not get into conversations because you are trying to help, number of failed relationships, number of failed jobs (Which you succeeded but were a threat because you made everyone else look bad), depression, lack of friends, continuous regret, getting in trouble for doodling thinking you were not paying attention, when in fact it is you coping with the boardom of a meeting that is a hour to long, I know these are not all comorbid conditions, but side effects from the main condition. In other words, what really happens with the "gifts" in the real world.


Yeah, it would also be cool if she could do like ADHD a bit more detail type of series in which she focused on one of the symtoms in detail. (Like with ADHD and other comorbit conditions)


Maybe a way to talk about things is to explore the relationships (both the good and the challenges) that Neurotypical and Neurodiverse people have and talk about the importance of validation in both directions and give some tips on how to both sides could validate each others lived experience.