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In Day 98, Jessica goes ALL OVER THE WORLD - topically speaking.

From the Work Accommodations script that started as a simple accommodations tips video and ended as a vision statement for working brains everywhere, to the way even the most talented of us can feel incompetent in a job that doesn’t support us the right way -

- and ending with Jessica’s absolute confusion and disbelief that more employers don’t scramble to sign up every ADHD brain they can!

Special thanks to Kevin McTaggert from HR for all his help with the ins and outs of this episode!


Day 98 - A Vlog of Rambling Affection

In Day 98, Jessica goes ALL OVER THE WORLD - topically speaking. From the Work Accommodations script that started as a simple accommodations tips video and ended as a vision statement for working brains everywhere, to the way even the most talented of us can feel incompetent in a job that doesn’t support us the right way - - and ending with Jessica’s absolute confusion and disbelief that more employers don’t scramble to sign up every ADHD brain they can! Special thanks to Kevin McTaggert from HR for all his help with the ins and outs of this episode!



The contract at my current job is coming to an end in June, and I may have the option to go back in the Fall, but I'm considering looking for something else, since the 2 hour commutes each way on the bus in -20 degree weather are no picnic. However, I am terrified I won't find anything else, let alone anything that will allow me to thrive as the neurodiverse brain that I am. I've been underemployed for most of my life and my biggest fear is having to go back to working retail. I'm really looking forward to the tips you'll be sharing in this video. Thank you for the sneak peek and for wanting to start a Neurodiversity Employment Revolution!!!


I just watched your vlog and I loved it. I agree with everything you say. I have not had a job in a long time that has made me feel competent or wanted as an employee. One position I had, they hired a Lead person, after lying to me and one person going behind my back saying I had no idea what I was doing, who would lambast me every day I came in. I am so tired of it l that I want to give up working. I would rather go back to flipping hamburgers. I have gotten called a 4AM in the morning while not on call and helped a co-worker with a server that was down. Did I get any kudos or a thank you? No, I got a verbal warning for “throwing my co-worker under the bus”. You are right it is not about getting them, companies have to change. I am so scared of asking for them, because of the type of position I do that they will say that I cannot do the job in the first place. I am to the point I would rather live on the street than put up with any more.


This vlog entry was so spot on to my experience. I can not wait to see the video. Thank you!

How to ADHD

If you're unhappy I would seriously consider asking for them, you may be protected against discrimination under the ADA & it could make things more pleasant for you at work. Can you at least talk to HR about your options? They can keep it confidential unless you decide you want to disclose.


Things at the new position are getting better. After a Uber frustrating day, I sent out an email. To my complete surprise it was met with a positive response. I cannot go into detail about the result, but they are listening to help get fresh insight to help them make adjustments. This was done without mentioning my condition, which probably drove my frustration. Recommended accommodation in Jan.org for ADHD are what I am using as a baseline for improving the situation. If you look at process improvement, better wrtten procedures is a recommended way to stream line process and doing planning (IE vlog episode 100). I feel much better about things today than a week ago.


I have been scrambling for ways to save money this month (to have more for a new hobby :P Nothing serious), and one of the things Iook into was cutting down on my Patreon. I was like "I guess I could drop back to the $1 tier... I would still get the Discord..." And then I watch another vlog and go "Nope! Can'd do that!" :D I gave up Starbucks instead. Caffeine withdrawals are easier to deal with than missing out on Jessica/Edward inspiration :D