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Day 96 — We Have a YouTube Partner Manager!

In which I repeatedly say we have a YouTube partner (I meant a YouTube partner manager, technically I am the YouTube partner 😂), celebrate the fact that Chloe is now potty trained, and discuss how to motivate an ADHD employee (well...Edward).



Omg, congrats!! I cannot waaaiiiitttt to get to your position. I'm still working on getting allowed for monetization.


Maybe I'm too late since the script is already written,, but I got some accommodations at work, if you need some real life experiece


I would like to know how you guys add animation to your videos and how long the editing process is!

How to ADHD

Edward uses After Effects — when we started out it was maybe 10 hours to edit a video with simple animations but as we’ve gotten more complicated it can take up to 30. But that’s also because the videos are scripted and I don’t have time to memorize them so we do a LOT of cuts. You’re much better than I am at just talking to the camera ☺️


Yes, to HR, not my direct manager (although I have mentioned it casually).


Happy to tell the whole story offline, are you able to get my contact details or should I send you an email?

How to ADHD

Oh awesome, that’s an option I briefly mention in this video (I’m going to go into whether or not to disclose in a separate video) — what was the process like?


Congrats on the multitude of successes!! I have been watching a lot of different kinds of youtube videos lately, and the episodes that you and Edward put out are pretty much my gold standard for critiquing other channels. There are so many GOOD informative presenters who are hampered by being unscripted, rambly and having poor/choppy editing or starting with off-topic discussions. A few of them have millions of subscribers ;) and definitely show improvement as their channel matures, so my critiques are unneeded (and unposted), but for those who are struggling, your videos are what I point them to when discussing professional and attractive episodes <3 Thank you AGAIN for making this behind-the-scenes view possible. I am learning a lot, because even when not making a video, these skills are vital when perfecting ways to present information, whether it be professionally or personally <3


(Most of the videos I've been watching have been on aquarium setups and aquaculture :P We got a fish which = OBSESSION right now, which = WATCHING ALL THE THINGS.... which = "why can't you just...bullet point this? Does this video REALLY have to be 20 minutes long, 10 of which are you repeating the same things because you're winging it??")


ALSO... you're smart to not put out 9 minute videos, even if they are fun and watchable. With youtube inserting ads every so often into longer videos, it's irritating and could lose you eyes for no fault of your own <3


I have been debating getting Final Cut Pro vs. Adobe Premiere/After Effects. Or FCP + AE. But it sounds like a lot of work yall are putting in! Thanks for this, Jessica. Yalls videos are much more family and therapist friendly, though. I am sure people are using your videos in educational settings, therapy sessions, etc. But there is a need for crazy camera people like me, too haha

