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In other news, I am no longer allowed on Twitter.


Day 78 — “Take Your Pills” response was well received!

Now no more fighting on the internet. I’ve said my piece.



After two marriages, taken the driver license written test in one state 3 times, 20 some jobs, over 20 some mailing addresses, diagnosed in my mid-40's and not seeking ADHD specific medication till my early 50's there is no doubt in my mind that I need to use medication along with coping skills. My current girl friend (yes it is weird saying girlfriend at my unknown age ..shhh I turn 56 in April) had a conversation about medication last night and she said and I quote "I could not imagine you not on your medication, you would be all over the place". I am laying here in bed getting ready to start my 21 something job. I have only had 3 jobs that I was at for at least 3 to 4 years and only one over 5 years (do the math). The one over 5 years they were trying to find a way to fire me for the last 3 years I was working there. On April 1st, my new health insurance kicks in and I start my new concerted effort to find a new medication doctor. This is the one doctor search that has taken me over a year to try and locate one in the new city that I live. You did a great job on the video, both of you. The best unbiased and informative video. You will always have my support and as one show on TV says "PERIOD".


The video was GREAT -as usual!- You had written and proven evidence along with real world experience. In writing this makes you credible! Edward is really talented and really did a great job. You guys are a POWER TEAM!!👫 When I got the notification that the video was up, I was excited to go home and watch it after work. 😊 Social media can drive you mad😲. There are soooooo many people spreading false and miss guided info. Whenever there is a controversial convo going on and people are speaking out of ignorance, I just comment one phrase and I walk away. I say "Ignorance Is Infectious and Contagious, you may want to go get that checked!" 🤔😃 Then bc my attention spam can be short, I move on to the next thing (one good thing about my adhd sometimes).😅 Again... you two keep doing what you do bc your AMAZING! -Nothing Worth Doing Is Easy!-💜💙


Awww, now I'm a little embarrassed! I definitely had a few hyperfocus moments on that comment section! Everyone was just so genuine and I wanted to talk to everyone an be helpful and reach out and DO ALL THE THINGS! I probably won't keep doing that, because well, it's your channel and I should probably let you respond to some people, but thanks for the shout out!


I was happy to have your backs, and glad to see that so many of even the "medication didn't work for me" comments were followed with "but I know it does work for other people." I popped on to try to offer some help to people asking for it, more than arguing, but it was barely needed :D Your work, your passion and your research speaks for itself. Will be sharing this one far and wide, as always <3


... how do you do emojis? I mean, yes! Everything you said :D


When I'm on my phone it allows me to do them Just like if I was texting. I use them in almost everything🤷🏾. They express my silliness! 😃


I'm so glad you shared this video. It's gonna make a huge difference for a lot of people.


A friend and I were talking about this video just today and how it made us feel a lot better in general because the documentary is so problematic. Idk how it is in other countries, but here in Canada, getting access to ADHD meds in the first place is super difficult because of the stigma surrounding their use [and assumed abuse].


I was just really hurting after watching only 20 minutes of the Take Your Pills documentary. Your video was the response that I needed, because it not only reinforced me, but it helped me understand where they are coming from and that a lot of people have very real concerns like those (I think the reason it hit me so hard is because I used to have those very same concerns!) and helped explain the truth. It was the closure I needed but never got.


When you said that you weren't allowed on Twitter any more, I was reminded of this comic: <a href="https://xkcd.com/386/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://xkcd.com/386/</a> It can be so difficult to not keep up the conversation when someone on the internet refuses to listen to reason! You and Edward did SUCH a great job on the response video - I am always impressed at your academic rigor in the research you do for videos. And it is remarkable that you responded to "Take Your Pills" with such respect, even though they were so wrong on so many points. Thank you for putting so much care into the information that you present!!


That XKCD is taped to my computer to remind me to cool it :P