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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I'M NOT WEARING THE SAME CLOTHES SITTING ON THE SAME PART OF THE SOFA AS YESTERDAY I HAVE A LIFE THESE ARE ALL VERY HEALTHY CHOICES -Edward (PS I really have moved - we're not organized enough to record these vlogs in advance :D) Today we review the living, breathing monster our dog is becoming and the ADDA webinar earlier this evening, welcome in the new Patreon brains, and talk about "Try Different (The Fish Song)", which is inches from being finished. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Should we try to put the song on iTunes? It's not been professionally mixed, but I feel like people are going to want it long before we have a chance to properly perform and master it.


Day 67 - Post-Webinar Coma

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I'M NOT WEARING THE SAME CLOTHES SITTING ON THE SAME PART OF THE SOFA I HAVE A LIFE THESE ARE ALL VERY HEALTHY CHOICES -Edward (PS I really have moved - we're not organized enough to record these vlogs in advance :D) Today we review the living, breathing monster our dog is becoming and the ADDA webinar earlier this evening, welcome in the new Patreon brains, and talk about "Try Different (The Fish Song)", which is inches from being finished. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Should we try to put the song on iTunes? It's not been professionally mixed, but I feel like people are going to want it long before we have a chance to properly perform and master it.



I am one of those new people from the live stream! I have meant to become a patreon for a while but i finally did it!! (:


Sorry I missed you on the Adda webInar. I got sick Tuesday (started on Monday). I had it set in my calendar but just have drug up on cold medicine. Starting to believe I was sick a lot when I was a kid because I am having flash backs. I never doubted you for a moment since the beginning. I sensed good things would happen. I see you found raising two dogs is so much more fun than one. I am glad to hear the webinar went well and the song almost completed. I would give the song to people that donate a dollar or more to Patreon. If I remember it correctly you wrote the song for the people that supported you. I am going back to feeling horrible on my bed. I survived the shingles and now the cold is kicking my butt. Apartment is a mess, telling them about my new job went well (never told them I was not working, yes axienty issues) last night. I am ready to throw my stuff away at this point just to get the place clean. Girlfriend keeps asking if this the last time I will need to “organize” my stuff all in different ways. When I divorced the second time I had a bench in the garage were I made a box and took a broom and put everything into the box. OK, I will stop rambling on. Great work on the song, sorry I missed the webinar and you two go get some sleep. You need and deserve it ! Stay well. Tim


I'd love to have the song on Spotify if possible. I have no idea who hard that is, but omg it would be awesome


The ADDA webinar was so great! You did an excellent job, Jessica, and it was really cool to see two supportive communities come together like that. I loved how friendly and encouraging all the comments were in the chat, from all the Patreon people and those there from ADDA. Thank you to both you and Edward for all the hard work you guys do! I can't find the words to say how meaningful it has been for me to find a place in this wonderful tribe. :)


Your putting the song on iTunes would be awesome!


You guys crack me up! I think you need to lay off the baileys Jessica. ;-) I totally hear what you're saying about the productivity making you tired. I've been trying a new routine this week (I'm self employed) and although it worked great for a couple of days my brain has clearly had enough and anxiety has kicked in to the point where I've just had to have a day off. So frustrating! But tomorrow is a new day and instead of beating myself up I shall just try different and try again. :)


<3 Love this <3 The webinar was GREAT (what I could focus on---sick hubby+helping kid finish homework+putting dinner on the table meant I was walking around with headphones and glancing at my phone when I could, but there were lots of distractions and no real chance to join the chat. I will re-watch ALL of it later, but I was interested to hear about the missed TEDx branch...trust me, no one else even noticed :P) My son loves "Try Different"--I unplugged the headphones for him to hear, and he was thrilled that we were in on the "world premiere" of it ;) Hope you can get up uploaded to iTunes :)


And congrats on entering the toddler stage of puppy-dom. If Brandy does more 'protest pees' or shows other signs of being stressed or being territorial, you might want to talk to your vet and maybe try the calming pheromone dispensers (they look like air freshener plug-ins) that they sell in pet stores and at vet clinics. I have heard good things about them. <a href="https://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-pheromone-products-for-behavior-problems" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pets.webmd.com/features/pet-pheromone-products-for-behavior-problems</a>#1


Eagle007-- So... I found this series helpful in home organizing. The lady who runs this channel also has ADHD, had a ton of trouble with mess and finally found a system which works for her. Then she started a business setting up organization systems for other people, and discovered that HER system wasn't the only one. There is a quiz associated with one of the videos on this playlist, but if your issue is organizing and reorganizing and reorganizing, you might be a 'bee' or a 'cricket'. I'm a bee, and watching this channel has not only been hugely helpful in getting me to establish a system which WORKS, but also in indulging my desire to compartmentalize EVERYTHING, thus cementing the system. Anyways, hope this helps: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzglswYcXP2hVKI4eTVn-bVBXO4Bmr6hR" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzglswYcXP2hVKI4eTVn-bVBXO4Bmr6hR</a>


I think I am giving up all together on relationships. I had a system going but it was not fast enough for her. So I just did what I did before and that was just dump everything into one box.


Definitely put it on iTunes!


Jessica says if you want to ask her questions you can ask her questions here. But where is here? and where is she taking about?


Can you try and get it on google play (i have no clue how but that is the only music service i have)

How to ADHD

Patreon :) You can chat with me on Discord, or ask me questions in the comments of the daily vlogs either on Patreon or YouTube!

How to ADHD

haha I didn't even have any Bailey's that night, that was just me unmedicated roflllll


LOL totally get the pet drama! :)