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Also yes, that IS our Christmas tree still in the background.


Day 61 - Learning from our mistakes! Keeping this one realistic



Lol, you still have your Xmas tree in March? Do you have ADHD or something?


We once tried to hide our March Christmas tree in the bushes beside our house, and found the last year's tree already hiding there.


What a good excuse to host a bonfire! XD


Awwww.... puppy! We stopped doing Christmas trees a decade ago when we got a kitten...who grew up into a massive, 23lb cat obsessed with climbing. Before then we had tiny apartments, so we had tiny live trees (like the kind you get in the floral section of the grocery store or hardware store). You're making a good point to keep in that 'tradition' :P Thanks again for all YOU do, and for finishing things, showing the work, and continuing with what this has taught you <3


OK, I want the puppies job, lay around and look cute. Old Christmas tree ? I thought you were getting ready for Christmas early. If you wait long enough it will look like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree with no needles. Not a fire hazard, a fire starter.....


(as for music videos, whatever you do, DON'T watch what people are doing with blue screens, like this: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seVplxzM4qw&amp;index=24&amp;list=RDx0-FvPIbgaM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seVplxzM4qw&amp;index=24&amp;list=RDx0-FvPIbgaM</a> ...although, having seen your behind the scenes, this blows me away even more, and I see the effect use of motion blur!)