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boredDev asked on Discord, I answered!


Day 57 — “What is your process for writing music?”

boredDev asked, I answered!



OMG the bit about Edward knowing something was off but not knowing how to describe it. I literally published a blog article about that for singers a week or so ago. It's on my site here <a href="https://www.vocalsensei.com.au/how-to-handle-criticism-and-improve-your-voice/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.vocalsensei.com.au/how-to-handle-criticism-and-improve-your-voice/</a> It's essentially a guide to interpreting criticism for singers, so kinda relevant.

How to ADHD

I just read it, love it!! you're a gifted writer! it was an easy, helpful read :D And yep, my voice has a pretty simple tone for now. Love the idea of chiaroscuro - now I wanna know ALL THE THINGS about vocal tone lol


Thanks so much! It means a lot to me that you read it. It's only my second article on the blog, but I work really hard at the polish stage. I'm aiming for a "fun, but backed by research" style a bit like How to ADHD. Happy to answer any questions you have about vocals!

How to ADHD

Oh wow really?? I’d made a mental note to binge your content so you’re doing fantastically well! I am absolutely biased but I love that approach too :D Question: where do I start? Funny sounding vocal exercises? Deciding what I want my voice to sound like? Straight up imitating singers who have similar vocal qualities?


Most of my writing efforts have gone into my free email course, so I haven't had a lot of time for blogging. If you don't mind the self-plug, it's a great way to get an overview of all vocal technique. It doesn't cover non-technique basics, but I have an article on that in drafts to publish very soon. I think you've got the right idea with imitation. Learn how to mimic your favourite artists, and change it up frequently. Figure out which artists suit your voice and which ones surprised you. The challenging and fun part is once you have a few favourite artists/styles, try and take a song from a different artist and apply the same style. Vocal exercises are good, but only when they have a purpose. Unless you're singing before 9 am, your daily life gives you all the warmup you need. Set goals for your voice then choose exercises that are designed to help meet those specific goals. Then choose "benchmark songs", favourite songs that really challenge you that you can revisit over the months or years, as a way of measuring when you've nailed it. My number one tip is: Sing. All. The. Time. Vocal coaches turn their noses up at singing in the car because it teaches bad posture, but it's the easiest way to clock singing hours. No joke, my singing ability improved dramatically the day I got a car. My car stereo is one of my greatest assets haha. Get a vocal coach if you decide to get serious, but be very picky about who you choose. Make sure they're goal-oriented at have studied recent research. Also, record yourself. It's one of those things that everyone knows they should do, but nobody bothers, so the people who do end up becoming the best. Hope I didn't go too detailed for a comments section!

How to ADHD

not at all, thanks for taking the time! I know I'm not the only singer here so I'm sure others will find it helpful too :D Good call especially on the mixing it up, I know who I admire and who I can easily sound like so good not to get stuck on just one person so I can develop my own style :D


It sounds as though writing a song is like writing an episode, basically a process. It reminds me of some of the writing techniques that I learned in a class. Good idea to get a baseline from google. I do the same thing too with something that I am working on. I think it will sound great when completed !!!