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In which we show you a clip from the video and wonder what we were thinking.



It depends on if the episode show a good comparison why you act the way you do. I think (without seeing the video) that from time to time, you can go back and do a self analysis of why you did something and if it worked or not. For instance, since I have a slight issue with being impulsive (cough, cough, right), I have learned to curb the need to buy something impulsively by asking myself is it a want or a need? If I bought it today, would it be used in a timely fashion or immediately. I work on computers, my laptop bag with the black duck tape on it really needs to be replaced. That would really fall under the category of I really need to get one. While do I need another pad of drawing paper even though it is on sale? I have a bunch of them I have bought and have not even touched so I really do not need to buy it, even though it is on sale at a good price.


You guys are awesome, get some sleep! Super jealous of your sweet puppy snuggles and can't wait to see the fruits of your labor. And looking forward to some coaching on developing better habits. As my brili is totally flashing red and hollering at me because I'm doing this instead of brushing my teeth😅

How to ADHD

Hahaha gotta love Brili! It seriously taught me things take wayyyy longer than I expected!

How to ADHD

Ooo I like that! I tend to be an impulsive shopper too. I’ve curbed it by using the financial system we set up where we each get a small “allowance” each week — can’t spend money I don’t have :) Also, I avoid credit cards.

How to ADHD

I am really happy with the info in the episode, though. I have a whole alternate future where everything went terribly wrong and then I explain how to fix it :)


It is interesting because in my last marriage this philosophy was picked by my ex-wife. It would drive her crazy because she would find something she like and think want or need. A lot of times she would not buy it because she did not “need” it. While she was not ADHD it curbed her impulsive buying. Think about it when going to buy something. Do I need it, will I use it and will I have time for it. It has keep me from buying stuff just to end up having stuff.


I know the shot for the episode was and is difficult. But the comparative thinking helps people visualize the reality. Should you do it again? Yes, it will be easier because of what you learned, but maybe do one each year to show the progress and how your suggestions have helped. Like next year a comparison of the year you got the ukulele, how you used your learning skills to make time for it and how you made a beautiful song with it. Think of it as a sitcom episode where you see how everyone presived an event then you learn “the real story” in the end. Should you do difficult episodes yes, do them often maybe not. Look at the end result and how people will see it. There will be people who will say, hey I am like that and maybe I should think first apply what I am learning in the episodes before jumping into something new. Then decide to wait till they are ready for it. You can be impulsive and learn to make that work in the long run. Keep up the great work both Edward and you. OK, maybe the puppy too who I can see becoming a mascot for the show.


Your supposed to brush your teeth? The reality is having a puppy gets you ready for kids in a way. The only difference is that you can put the puppy/dog in a cage when you go somewhere. However it is hard to do that with a baby. That 5 minute drive to the store becomes an hour project. In the end, it is worth it in both cases. I have a daughter going to college at Rochester Institute for Technology and found out this year I have a son who can “really” sing that I did not know. These are the two things I have done right in my life despite having ADHD. I have two very special and talented children.

How to ADHD

That's incredible advice, thank you so much for sharing! I do love the idea of revisiting in a year when I've gotten good at it :D

How to ADHD

and yup, she's in training to be a show puppy! Gonna make sure she gets trained to therapy dog standards so we can take her to meetups and such :D

How to ADHD

yeah it's brought up a LOT of "is this what it's like to have kids???" talk. Unfortunate that there's no crate for babies you can put them in with a bully stick lol. But I feel like we'll figure it out. Love that your kids are doing so great, must be an amazing feeling!


I would say that the deciding factor on whether you should do more complex episodes in the future boils down to this: was this one rewarding? For any reason? Yes, it took a long time, and maybe you don't think that the episode was cool enough for how long it took, but... was it fun? Did you learn something? Did doing it sharpen your skills? It is totally ok to do an episode just to practice something, once in a while.


My personal feel... the big episodes ARE the ones which will be shared. I have shared the HECK out of routines, and part of the attraction is not only that it is a great breakdown, but that it makes so much sense VISUALLY. So the ones which are more eye-catching will be funner for your viewers, and will probably be shared/linked to more. BUT, for your sanity, for the future, you maybe should sit down and think 'does this approach add anything to the message.' I think in this case yes, because habits really are changes over about TIME, and so having someone come back from the future with a message about that is so freaking perfect. (full feedback when I watch it of course). I think it does get the message across better than just a walk through about building habits without that gimmick. I think Susan is right here -- this was about stretching yourselves and challenging yourselves. It's hard to look back on it from the point of exhaustion and know if it was worth it or not, and it wasn't just the video that was challenging in the past two...three? weeks. For your reverse bucketlist reminders, you GOT A PUPPY, you BATTLED THE FLU, you BATTLED COMPUTER MELTDOWNS, you still released an adorable and VERY useful video on marriage and ADHD, you wrote a song and practiced the ukelele, and you coordinated on future videos, had business meetings, made plans, and lived life <3 This video is going to need to be put into perspective, just like this time in your lives. I can't wait to see it <3


But like... no pressure

How to ADHD

haha thanks :D as long as the computer cooperates on the export, looks like it'll finally be up tomorrow!