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Day 53 — What to do when you feel like you haven’t done enough



My form of tracking what I need to varies from a word document to a sheet of paper I call my to do list. Every time I got something completed on the the list a line would go through the item. I have gone back to a monthly daytimer. I write appointments and things going on in it. This is on top of the iPhone calendar. But I like the monthly daytimer, because I can look at a month and see everything I have done in a month. It is far more easier to remember what did not get done then what did get done. I believe it is human nature. I stopped looking up people I knew in high school because I was comparing their life to mine and what they have done and getting depressed. I have forgotten the things that I have done in my life, driven across the US 3 or 4 times in my life, went SCUBA diving in Monterey and Carmel CA, Key Largo, FL. And the list goes on. I can remember when I first started watching your channel.. how quickly the number of subscribers went up. YouTube boot camp, your wedding, TedX talk ( loved it), Vidcom, the episode for your mother on Mother's Day, quitting your day job to do the channel full time and more. All this from someone who thought in the beginning that the channel would not last a year. Look at all the people you have helped and touched in the short time since you started this channel. Did you not have a book or journal that you kept to write these things down in? If not you should, yes things have slipped through the cracks and always will, celebrate and focus on what you have done and what you have not done. Fact, Steven King started to write the book Carrie and threw what he started in the trash. His wife found what he wrote and encouraged him that he was onto something. You are your worst critic and will focus on what did not get done. I have watched you grow from someone that did not seem to know what she was doing and now has become more focused and created a ADHD tribe !! That is no small task. Tim


If any of what I said makes sense then I did good. I did sleep much if at all last night. Rough week, diagnosed with shingles (can you say pain), medication that is putting to sleep (except last night), and two job interviews. Failing to me would be that you have stopped trying to get it done. In the immortal words of Tim Allen in the movie Galaxy Quest "never give up, never surrender". I hope my comments where worth a few quarters (reference to a previous episode). Just remember, you give people hope and a voice.


Jessica, yet again, your timing is amazing...it feels like you are in sync with my universe and the theme of your videos are eerily timely... The last few days I have been frustrated at what I haven't been getting accomplished and to make matters worse, I beat myself up not achieving what I set out to do AND get on myself about setting unrealistic expectations! A 'Reverse Bucket List' is just what I need to remind myself that I have achieved a lot that I am very proud of, and more importantly, I need to be kind to myself!


All of this. I just had a conversation about this with my partner. I always feel like it's not enough or feel bad when I didn't accomplish what I intended for that day/week/etc. I have been occasionally doing the "did" list at the end of some days which can be helpful to see my accomplishments all laid out in one place. It is a struggle though. Thanks for sharing #notalone #mytribe


PS Maybe this topic could be a Youtube thing. I don't think you have one yet???


Do not get me wrong my list is always bigger than hours in the day. I have lost a whole week to getting shingles. Talk about putting you behind. To top it off, I managed to do two interviews this week. I lost one whole day (Monday a holiday), going to a clinic in the drug store and waiting for the medications. It was worth it because I caught it before it got too bad. Of course, the medication is making me sleep. I think people should do a "I did" journal to highlight what you really did so you do not focus on what you did not do.


I was joking in the Discord the other day that I need a "Instead Did" list, because I DO a lot... just nothing any.do had down for the day. So I did that--I wrote down all the tasks I'm DOING instead of what I said I would do. It helped me break down things into routines, helped me feel accomplished, and it helps me, when I'm in the middle of one task but see others that need doing, to write those down and remember to tackle them too. My main problem with trying to accomplish things is that they turn out to be dozens of little things masquerading as one thing. And that if I just write down the big thing, I not only don't start because it's BIG, if I do finish it, I forget just how much work went into that.


Also... it's hard now because you're still in the 'grinding' portion of gaining experience, but try to set work hours. Have you and Edward non-work family time at a set time every day. Get to bed earlier, knowing that the work for the day is done because the time to do it in is done. There will ALWAYS be more work. You're in this for the long haul :D