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After months of research and searching for the right rescue puppy to add to our happy tribe, today we got a very exciting phone call. Meet Luna!


Professional YouTuber DOG! — Day 44

After months of research and searching for the right rescue puppy to add to our happy tribe, today we got a very exciting phone call. Meet Luna!





Cute dog, after the 360 dog video I was thinking of getting a dog for myself. My first ex-wife and I had a Norwegian Elkhound and look on the rescue page for one. Found one in West Virginia and found a 5 year old male that I liked. However, the woman I was dating questioned if I had throught it through. Considering I had one before I knew what to expect. However, that stopped me in my tracks. Since I do not know what my future brings job wise it mAkes it difficult. I think I might have some part time work starting soon at a lower rate than I expected. Yes, you can cuddle with an Elkhound on a bed and I use to in my first marriage. The relation ship is going down hill anyway so it may not matter, which is nothing new to me. Sad night last night between relationship and finding out a close friend had lost her father last Tuesday. I have to get card and gift card for her and her family today. Getting overwhelmed with everything at this point. Need to get counseling ASAP.


AWE! Congrats! I have a Staffie/Doxie mix, and is he wonderful! Can't wait to see how she looks when she gets older!


I hope you have a regular counselor or coach who can help get you back on your feet :( I get you with the dog. I want one. My son wants one. Our house NEEDS one for security. But my husband has never had a dog, and I would have to wake up even earlier than I already do (5AM) to take the dog for morning walk, and there is no one home from 9-3, and then juggling after-school stuff and a dog... yah. Not to mention we have cats and a 7yr old, and so finding the right rescue dog is a challenge, especially since I like BIG but not labs or pits (nothing against them...just too high energy) :P I'm looking for a hound or a standard poodle cross, and those need a lot of exercising, and usually like to dig. We have a decent sized back yard, but the fence isn't complete (needs a front gate) and what exists will need reinforcement... and our neighbors have a beautiful but undertrained German Shepherd, so... :P IT's always the logistics that defeat us, isn't it? :P I'm sorry to hear about your relationship, but rewatching the videos on relationships might help if you want to persist with it. And for me, I need to remember COMMUNICATION and ASKING FOR HELP when I need it, instead of trying to do everything, and failing, and disappointing my spouse :P


<3 DOG!!


I am working on a new counselor, however I just moved and I cannot find anyone to prescribe my medication. I know I need to get back to regular sessions with one. Being unemployed is kind of killing any efforts. One of the reasons I have not gotten a dog is because I want another Elkhound. However, they are very energetic dogs that need to be walked twice a day minimum. Actually, that would be good for me because it would force me out into the world. That and the exercise would be great for my ADHD. Right now any exercise would be good for me. Maybe volunteer somewhere they need someone to work with dogs.