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This is the difference you are helping me make in the world. Love you all.

BTW, if anyone wants to work on their marriage, Edward and I took this free 5 love languages quiz and it gave us a lot of insights, highly recommend if you haven't tried it! Sometimes we get too distracted to notice what our partner needs to feel loved, nothing wrong with asking for hints ;) 



Vlog Day 35 — Shannon’s Marriage Story (warning: tears)

This is the difference you are helping me make in the world. Love you all.



wow that is so amazing.


Best money I ever spent


If you ever need to know why I give this video and how it has helped someone answers the question. OK, it is still fun to play with dominos. You have to enjoy your job too. I really believe that too. I also enjoy watching you grow as a person and finding your niche in life. You may not known this but everything you have gone through has not been in vain. This is the reason, your mother should be Uber proud of what you have done, are doing and where you are going. Please Edward and you keep up the great work and do not feel guilty because you are making a difference in peoples lives. This is one person, I am sure for every one person you find out about there are 5 more you do know now you helped. I am happy that this person did not lose those precious things in his life. Kudos to his wife for who decided to work together as a couple/family. I am sure it has been hard on her, but she now knows why. The journey is not over but it is on a better road. You not only are an inspiration but a beacon of hope for people that have been struggling. I will always be grateful for the hard work Edward and you put into the show. Tim Wildow


I am so proud of you Jess......I’m just now learning that what can seem a challenge, obstacle, or simply a different way of living..Well, how one handles that maybe can make a difference to others. It warms my heart that he found and shared your videos-that is by no means a coincidence! As a Heart, may I say that having insight into how Brains work is tremendously helpful and, for me, does help with understanding and patience. Earl-I hope you know, as always, I am tremendously proud of your work. Entertained, educated, proud-but never surprised by the quality and caliber. I love you both so much. ❤️


I would be lying if I said I didn't cry... About a year ago I was diagnosed with ADHD and have made a lot of progress in one year, most of which was after my mom sent me the TEDx video, and I started binge-watching the rest of your videos. You helped me succeed through a semester abroad in Spain, and now, back in the US for the Spring semester, It's been only 3 weeks since the semester started and I can already tell I'm doing better than any semester before, my mom and I cried when we found out my last semester GPA was 3.85. You helped me survive a major change--literally, I switched from the college of business to double majoring in Environmental Sustainability and Spanish--and even though I'm starting over, I am so excited to see where my brain and I go. You have, for the first time in my life, made me a part of a community of people I can relate to, and who can relate to me, and helped me not only feel understood by others, but understand myself. Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.


After I was diagnosed, after months of trying medications, I ended up on Sertraline which mainly just helped my mood. It doesn't help me focus, but it really helped get rid of depression and anxiety symptoms. This got me back into school again after a year of horrible attendance. About a year after that I stumbled across this channel and the information I got here was amazing. The medication was the first basic step for me, but this channel has been the best resource I ever could have gotten. One of my best friends did an interview with me for a piece she wrote for our school paper. The things I talked about in this next paragraph were because of this channel. The next thing that Katie and I talked about was advice that she had for other people with ADHD or any issues really, that may help them deal with it. Hauer said, “I don’t even know where to start. I would say that learning is the number one thing. Learning about my brain, how it works, what I do differently than others, was big. Connecting with others has been so great, because talking with other people who understand helps, you don’t feel so judged. It also helped me to start trying new strategies to help cope with my symptoms.” <a href="https://spashmirror.com/3674/student-features/adhd-and-school-one-spash-students-story/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://spashmirror.com/3674/student-features/adhd-and-school-one-spash-students-story/</a> Thank you so much for creating this hub of all things ADHD. It's really changed my life for the better. I can honestly say I'm happier with who I am because of this and I know who I am so much better.


I read some of the posts after what I posted. All are stories of people you have helped. I would imagine you never knew of them. All stories of people succeeding because you started something that you believed in. This is why your channel helps people. I have always believed in you and always will.


I love this report. My marriage also fell apart for a time, largely because of my ADHD. Dealing with it for years and years became just too much for my wife. We have managed to repair things partly because she sees my problems more clearly now and is aware that there is a large ADHD community all fighting the same challenges. I often mention things from your videos or show her parts of them. You do so much to educate and encourage ADDers and their families in a smart and entertaining way. Thank you.


Add me to the list of people who you saved, and whose marriage has been so much better because of the knowledge you share and the community you have founded &lt;3 My diagnosis has helped my husband understand it was never about CARING, it was always about legitimate memory and executive function issues. And that there are tools we can use, together, to keep our entire family on track. And it has helped us better understand what is going on with our son, who has improved DRAMATICALLY once your videos really made me understand that criticizing him wasn't helping anyone. Still working on getting my husband 100% on board with everything, but not giving up is one of my--our--GOOD traits ;)


Oh, and *hands kleenex*


I love that book! Gary Chapman's 5 love languages really helps people get each other. :)


You’ve helped me with my family as well. Thank you!


And thank you for doing that Ted talk. It’s how I found you and for the first time I don’t feel alone or crazy. You really are doing amazing work. Women can have ADHD too. Thank you so much. My whole life everyone told me I was just lazy. Now I focus on my superpower of deep concentration and forgive myself for never being able to pay a bill on time (dh is is charge of that now thank God), or mail out Christmas cards, like ever. Thank you.