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Vlog Day 30 — Update on episodes and Facebook challenges



I realise that this is super hard but I think that you also need to recognise that not everyone can even get responded too as the channel grows. I think both you and the mods are having some perfectionism around this. It's great that you're doing it but just think about letting some of it go maybe.

How to ADHD

yeah...you may be right. I finally gave up on responding to every message personally, but with the mods helping and the form responses I'm hoping it'll be possible to get to at least half in some form or another.


I really appreciate that you're doing it. It's great. All I'm saying is: make sure you're not killing yourself over it. We need you in good condition :)


I feel like "I promise to try not to die" is my ADHD mantra. I've always been a bit of a risk taker.


That's good but tbh not dying is a pretty low bar xD


After following you for as long as I have, I think that the channel going bigger (and better of course) that the challenges are part of your own personal journey with ADHD. It is giving you increased exposure to more difficult aspects of the condition to get a better understanding to be able to write more episodes. Keep up the good work, both of you and everyone that helps. One note about the next episode is did you include any comments on how easy it is to slip back into your old self? Or maybe the split screen can be shot to give you an idea of how hard it is to stay on track. I am in Rochester, NY today and I found out my son is looking at getting a degree in Technical Theater ( I think I worked that correctly). He did the lighting for a musical last night and the compliments made me proud.


Let me just reiterate what everyone else said. Your videos are incredibly useful and a great resource for the ADHD community. Don't overextend your resources of time and energy feeling like you ought to respond to everyone.


I wouldn't feel bad about not replying on Facebook. I sent a message awhile ago, but didn't expect any kind of response. The "canned" automatic response was perfect and very appreciated. Anyone that expects a one-on-one response on Facebook isn't worth your time, anyway.


It's so cool that even though you've gotten so popular on YouTube, you still care for each and every one of your viewers, which is NOT something that can be said for many other YouTubers, at least not to the extent that you care. I'm incredibly proud of you that you're learning how to step back and delegate some tasks, but that you still manage to maintain (and increase) your level of love for all of the brains and hearts, because lord knows we all care for you and Edward just as much.


Looking forward to this next video and the one after! The people above have it right, with one additional reminder: Using other's issues as fodder for new episodes is great, but doing too much one-on-one brain-troubleshooting will not only distract you from what you NEED to be doing this week, but it is also something that should be left to ADHD coaches and therapists, people who can really work on issues week after week. OR you should be getting paid for it ;) You've already put out some AMAZING resources, and a great community, that have helped me more than I can say. By doing what you're doing, you're doing great things <3

How to ADHD

Yeah, right after the last bit of the script I showed, I talked about everything that went wrong while trying to create a new habit — and I’m going to do a follow up episode on what to do when you “slip” :)

How to ADHD

Aww thank you, that means so much! It’s been the hardest things about growing as a channel, having so much less time to chat one on one. Getting to do meet ups when we travel is one of my favorite things, because then we can just go out and get to know the amazing brains and hearts we meet :)

How to ADHD

Yep, that’s a really good point. Thanks for putting it in perspective ☺️