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There are so many moments that happen during the creation of our videos — exciting ones, boring ones, enlightening ones, stressful ones — you name it, we feel it while creating a video.   

Every once in awhile, there’s a truly beautiful one.   Edward just came up with an awesome idea for the end of the next video and I wanted to share it with you because it really touched me, and I think it’s really cool when discoveries like this come after the words are already on the page. 

(I love that this daily vlog allows me to share moments like these with you, because you make them possible.)


Day 17 — working on Routines part 2

There are so many moments that happen during the creation of our videos — exciting ones, boring ones, enlightening ones, stressful ones — you name it, we feel it while creating a video. Every once in awhile, there’s a truly beautiful one. Edward just came up with an awesome idea for the end of the next video and I wanted to share it with you because it really touched me, and I think it’s really cool when discoveries like this come after the words are already on the page. (I love that this daily vlog allows me to share moments like these with you, because you make them possible.)



Thanks for showing me how you use your "disabilities" to create a job for yourself. I'm a PTSD and my wife is an ADHD and boy employers don't like us.


Sarah (my wife) wanted me to put an LOL


Jessica, listening to your explanation, the visual metaphor that came to my mind, was an organised line of dominos ready to be knocked down, when an object (maybe a ball ??), called "life" rolls into the line and disturbs some of the dominos before they get kicked over... Alternatively, dominos are curved around object representing 'life event' in way they will not continue to cascade into each other... Some of the dominos fall and others don't... Fingers character, does not get discouraged, but re-sets and tries again.... Visually illustrating trial and error method... - Really like the character and the concept in general...


Awwwww! I'm so ready for this episode. This sounds absolutely great.


I am so looking forward to the next video! It sounds like it will be a lot of work, but will be so worth it. You take as long as you need to shoot it! I am so glad I found your channel and will gladly continue to support you on Patreon. I am hoping to increase my monthly donation eventually, when I am able. I want you and Edward to be able to research and plan and shoot whenever you without having to worry about money. You go, girl!


So impressed with your concept!! Love it! Really looking forward to it!


This speaks to me on a personal level. I love it! Thanks for your dedication to the channel, it really shows in the fantastic content you are putting out!


Love the idea! maybe when you zoom out it could be sort-of tree shaped with the "distractions being the limbs, with kicked dominoes being the branches/leaves?

How to ADHD

ADHDers are 300% as likely to start their own business, I bet that’s one of the reasons ☺️

How to ADHD

Aw thanks! These shoots take awhile but I thought it would be worth adding the finger puppet visuals for this one too :) I think it’ll be a good one! In the meantime we’ll be posting the “unboxing” of the YouTube award as a 2nd (show) anniversary episode this Friday, with a special flashback twist!


You should have a contest to come up names for the fingers.

How to ADHD

I'm totally gonna do that in the next video :D what should I do for a prize?