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In which I explain why I'll suddenly be posting a lot on social media :D


Vlog Day 15 — Meet Edgar!

In which I explain why I’ll suddenly be posting a lot on social media :D



Love the name of your Google Drive folder...


Thank you for posting this vlog. So I checked out MeetEdgar and at first I disregarded it because of the price and the concept of repeating posts but then i looked into it more and found that they automatically import content from RSS. You have no idea how amazing this can be for my business so THANK YOU for informing me! <3


Also you probably know this already but I'll share anyway just in case. It looks like youtube generates RSS feeds so you might be able to automatically import your youtube videos into meetedgar. Here's how to get your youtube rss feed in case you didn't know: <a href="https://danielmiessler.com/blog/rss-feed-youtube-channel/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://danielmiessler.com/blog/rss-feed-youtube-channel/</a> and here's the article on how to do rss with meet edgar: <a href="https://help.meetedgar.com/edgar-integrations/import-content-with-rss-feeds/rss-feeds-features-overview" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://help.meetedgar.com/edgar-integrations/import-content-with-rss-feeds/rss-feeds-features-overview</a>#feeds-manager