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No, I'm not pregnant. It'll make sense when you watch, I promise :)


Day 9 1/2: "Giving Birth to Two Babies," Habits and Routines

No, I’m not pregnant. It’ll make sense when you watch, I promise :)



That was really helpful. Rebuilding a routine is exactly what I’ve been struggling with, but I didn’t see it clearly until now.

How to ADHD

Yay! Thanks for the feedback. I’ve got that episode mostly written now, I’ll hack at it again tomorrow and hopefully shoot!




Thank you soooo much for working so hard on these videos Jess!! They are immensely important to so many people and we all greatly appreciate it!


Before I even thought I might have ADHD, an author friend of mine was talking about his routine for writing, and how VITAL it was that ADHD brains have established routines...and how when the routine goes out the door (as happens), everything falls apart until it's re-established. This was precisely what I was struggling with at the time, and still do. My husband keeps changing jobs, and it's not just different companies. His entire schedule changes, from day to night to working weekends to being completely unemployed for the entire summer. He is finally back with a company and we're (miraculously, and for the first time) on the same M-F schedule, where he comes home just a few hours after me. Every time our routine changed, we suffered on the home front because things never got done during the adjustment period, and there would be struggles even after that. Anyway, long story short, THANK YOU for discussing this, and I can't wait to hear your tips and research <3 After your recent life changes, I bet you have a lot of examples fresh in mind ;) ....and yah. Prepare yourself for the constant "OMG, are you pregnant!?!" if that isn't happening already :P


I'm so happy to hear you're gonna make an ep about how to rebuild a routine! It's the thing I struggle with soo much! Starting a habit isn't that hard for me at first - it's new and interesting and feels good to be doing X thing Y times a week. But then something happens to mess it up and then I can't get back on the horse (usually bc now the routine is broken, I've lost interest).


You have no idea how badly I could use help on establishing a routine. Please post ASAP. Be well and Happy Holidays!


YES!!! Look forward to those! Also, why not do an episode on How to Break a Bad Habit and another on How to Create a Routine For Yourself When Everything Else Around You Constantly Changes - I bet many of us would appreciate those. Btw, I see the potential for a new habit for you - creating multiple babies I mean, episodes from a bigger issue.


What in the world was Edward yelling in the background?


Impactful. You should walk this exact vlog back and resketch . Will be a perfrct struggle episode. Going through a similar (again) what i call a 'brain rut'. Love it keep this vlog in your library for sruggles. Looking forward to what ideas you can comeup with


This was a great video. Something I really needed to work on but didint know how to go about it. Like setting up habits in the morning to keep from running late all the time... The routine aspect made this feel different and less tidious then just trying to set habits alone.