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Ajai asked, I answered! 


Day 7 - How I Handle Forgetting to Eat on Stimulant Medication

Ajai asked, I answered!



I've been on stimulant medication for a month now, and this has been super hard for me. Thanks for the advice!


ALSO. Related: any chance you could talk about stimulant medication and vitamin C? I kind of understand the relationship, but not really. I love orange juice and V8 in the morning and I'm never really sure how long I need to wait before or after taking my medication to consume it, or if I really should be avoiding it all together.

How to ADHD

I haven't done any research on it, but my doctor says wait an hour. Of course, my first 3 doctors never mentioned anything about it, so I totally drank OJ with my meds through, like, all of high school and they still worked. So who knows. Here's an article from Additude mag that mentions it: <a href="https://www.additudemag.com/medication-for-adhd/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.additudemag.com/medication-for-adhd/</a> and one on diet in general: <a href="https://www.additudemag.com/can-the-right-diet-ease-add-symptoms/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.additudemag.com/can-the-right-diet-ease-add-symptoms/</a>


Can’t believe it! Just yesterday I was wondering how little I’ve been eating during the day. It’s a good tip! Thanks Jessica! I have a question regarding irritability during the “crash” period of medication. If I take mine too early in the day, I feel extremely irritable by night time. Do you have these side effects kicking in after the meds wear off? How do you deal with it? Thanks!

How to ADHD

I don’t, it wears off really smoothly for me, but I have had that with past meds and I’ve heard that’s true for other brains too. What does your doctor suggest?


It's not an uncommon reaction to a medication. Dr. Thomas Brown addresses this issue in his lecture (close to the end of the video): <a href="https://youtu.be/1LkZguH9o7o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/1LkZguH9o7o</a>




I time my meals with my med taking time - works out perfectly


This is something I struggled with too when I tried out meds. I'm also in recovery from an eating disorder so that made it even harder as I tend to kind of take advantage of not being hungry. I also felt nauseous after taking stimulants so I had to stop taking them again. But I'm finally meeting my doctor again on Friday (#notMakingAppointmentsAndAlwaysForgettingIt ) and I hope she has a suggestion what else to try.