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In which I explain why I am wearing this hat. 


Vlog Day 6! Routines and rituals

In which I explain why I am wearing this hat.



I definitely find the more physically active I am (mostly @ work but in any way, really) the better my brain works. So I have a standing workstation at my lab job & rarely sit down there, or at home. I have 2 basic modes... zoom zoom, or immobile lump 😉


I find jumping on my mini-trampoline to some upbeat music for even a few minutes is a great way to change my brain’s channel from off to on! I cannot have a tv or computer in my home, or once I sit & focus on either, it’s as if I’m transfixed, and my focus for anything else is basically lost for the day, without some extreme effort on my part.


Speaking of routines, I highly recommend music that you only use for studying. It has the same impact when I turn it on as your hat does. in that as soon as I turn it on, by brain switches into study mode. I'm a huge fan of Tycho's music as ambient study/background music.


Another thing that changes when you switch to full-time youtubing (or any other creative work) is how much less time you get to spend with other people - especially when on meds, where you can focus on work full-time.


Some tips - make sure your daily work routine also involves meeting people. Perhaps some interviews with other ADHDrs, or doctors, or whoever? And possibly finding a coworking space that is different than your home - spending all the time at home, doing work just by yourself is fun at first, but can be difficult after a few months. (<a href="http://theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home</a> :D )


Ahh... that's what I need for Christmas - a working hat!


Not having a rigid structure that working out of home provides is a HUGE challenge for those in our tribe who decide to work from home. You may notice that you were able to get more things done on the days you waited table. I'm struggling with the same thing and found a few things that prove helpful [individual results may vary:)]. 1. Working in a public place such as a coffee shop (does not always work for me due to distracting noise) or a library - can work OK but availability of interesting magazines/ books as well as Internet access are often a distraction. 2. Scheduling various appointments to get yourself out of the house and provide a deadline/ time frame. I sometimes think of getting a job that would let me continue thinking about my project while performing a physical work (like waiting tables!) and provide a schedule I can't argue with. 3. Gamifying tasks / racing against yourself (works for some but I usually lose those to my effort-averse brain and its incredible skills at rationalizing and avoidance) 4. Having an understanding Body Double / Study Buddy - the best option by far. The person doesn't have to work on the same thing as I, just being there and checking in on my progress works great, even for Option 1 above. Hope you have more luck in finding one than I do.


Hey, there's a thought: shall we create online Body Doubles / Study Buddies for those of us who lack a willing live person nearby and can easily outwit all existing apps?


(cringes as she reads her own posts above - have been meaning forever to look things over before posting but, you know...): My daughter (also a Brain) has the same hat! I'll have to tell her about its magic studying powers.